Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Test Story 1900/1/1 11:00 AM
If you are seeing this, chances are your Presentation System database connection is working correctly. Thanks again for using this system!
News System 2001/5/24 12:18 AM
Yet another improvement has been made to the Presentation Engine! The News engine is now up and VERY partially operational. As time goes on, this function will grow to encompass a LARGE range of functionality. Stay Tuned!
News/Resume Functionality 2001/5/24 5:14 AM
The News and Resume sections of the Presentation Engine are now feature complete. You can now add/edit/delete every portion of these sections through the dynamic interface. This functionality is still in beta - so please let me know if you encounter any
Projects System 2001/5/24 8:00 PM
The beginnings of the Project system have been implemented. It is now possible to catalogue and link to specific projects using the Presentation Manager. Again as time goes on, this feature will begin to embody more functionality.
Projects Update 2001/5/25 2:29 AM
The Projects section of the site has been updated yet again today with more information on a few of my current projects: ProxyKiller Presentation Engine Feel free to take a look and leave me any comments or suggestions!
Some More Updates... 2001/7/3 3:39 AM
I've gone ahead and rewritten many internal portions of the Presentation Engine (most of these changes won't be noticed by most people - unless you are looking at the code that it is.) This is in preparation for the upcoming first release of the Presenta
Windows XP Build 2600 (Pre RTM) 2001/8/22 3:38 AM
Thats right kiddies. Windows XP RTM has almost hit in the form of Pre RTM build 2600. While its likely that the RTM build will in fact be the same (with the 180 day evaluation restrictions removed) - it should be signed off later this week - as early as
Windows XP Pre-Order 2001/9/3 10:36 AM
You can preorder your copy of Windows XP today from CompUSA today. I went ahead and picked up my full version of XP Pro tonight for about $315.00 (including tax and shipping charges). Some of you probably thought I was joking when I said I was planning o
Projects Section Update! 2001/9/4 8:03 AM
Yes it has been a long time coming - but I have finally updated the projects section of my site. I have uploaded a new bugfix version of Proxykiller which is known as version 2.1. This version has a few changes - check the readme file included with the
WilL WRiTe COdE fOR fOod 2001/9/11 12:03 AM
Well it looks like things are coming to a head with my job situation. As some of you probably know, I currently work as a contractor for GE Power Systems doing web development work. My contract was originally for a time period of six months - needless t
GE and Pentium 4s 2001/10/5 1:17 AM
Yeppo - everything with GE worked out fine. My contract has been renewed (with the other Agency) and things are looking good in that respect. I built a new Pentium 4 based box a few weeks ago. The specs of it are 1.7 ghz P4/640 MB RDRAM/70 gigs/Geforce3
www.jaylittle.com 2001/10/11 11:45 PM
Thats right guys! My favorite domain just opened up for registration and I snagged it right up! No more stupid @home IP address, no more weird port numbers, and no more slow upload speed caps imposed by my friends on at @home! This will also help my res
New Projects 2001/10/12 1:45 AM
Ive got a couple of new projects under the wing. They are still a bit too new to create project sections for - but Im sure some of them will make it up here eventually. Web Outlook: This project is designed to allow you to access your Outlook 2000/XP ma
Email Address Changeover 2001/10/17 7:56 PM
Alright - I've finally begun to undertake the "enormous" task of changing my email address from darkgamorck@home.com to jaylittle@jaylittle.com Needless to say - I've only just begun to realize just how much of a hassle this will be. But hopefu
Site Changes 2001/10/18 3:44 AM
I've made a few tweaks to the site in an attempt to enhance the 'asthetic' experience. I've tweaked a few off the fonts, added a news logo, and I've added the ability to place icons in with each of the news stories. Yes I stole the icons and the news log
Digital Cable 2001/10/19 1:26 AM
So my roommate Lewis and I got our new Digital Cable service hooked up yesterday. For $100/month we get the cable modem service along with the expanded Digital Cable service. Its really a great deal. There are hundreds of channels and loads of stuff to
The Mozilla MSN Mystery 2001/10/26 6:17 AM
Well well well... on the day that Microsoft releases XP it seems that they have also released the 'updated' version of MSN. It seems that this new version of MSN refuses to function correctly with non Microsoft browsers. After playing with this problem f
Proxykiller Update 2001/10/31 2:28 AM
Well I've finally taken the time to sit down and fix a few of the bugs in the current code version of Proxykiller. The lastest version is 2.2 and here is the list of changes: (1) Added support for URLs using the \\ nomenclature for absolute links instead
Linux Bugs 2001/10/31 2:36 AM
So last night I made a decision regarding the future of Linux on my new computer. It wasnt an easy decision but it was one that had to be made considering the circumstances. I'm done playing with Linux for the time being. None of the latest distribution
Proxykiller Security Hole Alert 2001/10/31 9:11 PM
After playing around with the new version of Proxykiller yesterday - I stumbled upon a MAJOR security hole within the program infrastructure that can be used to gain illict access to any webserver containing the proxykiller application. This security hole
Proxykiller 2.3 is out 2001/11/7 6:33 AM
Well it probably could've been out a bit sooner - but Proxykiller version 2.3 is here! Not only has the HUGE security hole been fixed - but a number of other capabilites have been added to Proxykiller including the ability to handle POST requests. A deta
Proxykiller 3.0 2001/11/13 12:13 AM
Lately I have been spending alot of time on a major rewrite of the Proxykiller application in anticipation for the next version of 3.0. Currently I have rewritten 99% of the HTML Processing Engine that was introduced in 2.0 and incorporated the bulk of it
Proxykiller 3.0 2002/1/14 12:42 AM
Proxykiller 3.0 has been released. It features a rewritten HTML parsing engine that has been placed into a backend library. It also features much better support for a larger number of web pages along with the JayInet HTTP Console application. J
The Patriots win the Superbowl - By Erik Jeffreys 2002/2/4 7:38 AM
Yes the patriots have won the superbowl despite everybody thinking otherwise. In fact I was so sure that this wouldn't happen - I made a bet with a work friend of mine. The bet was that if the Patriots won - we could post something to my site. Well it
Into the depths of Linux 2002/4/24 5:37 AM
Well over the last few weeks I've had the opportunity to install and really attempt to get in depth with Linux. Though I've been using it on and off for years - I've never dedicated an entire machine to it. I must say its been quite an interesting advent
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