
The content in this site typically has something to do with me, Jay Little. As you may have guessed, I own and run this site. On this site you can find out a lot of things about me by just poking your head about and seeing what pops up. If you have any questions please feel free to email me and I assure you that I will make an attempt to address your concerns.

If you are wondering, here is what I currently look like.


This site exists because back in 2001 when I registered the domain name as a birthday present to myself, I was egotistical enough to believe that people should care what I have to say about any ole little thing that popped into my head. It remains online today for a few reasons:

  1. The internet has become increasingly segmented into various platforms with various rules for what can and cannot be said. This place serves as my personal refuge from all of that

  2. I’m now old enough and wise enough to be grateful that anybody at all cares what I have to say about anything. All I really hope to do now is to help inspire more people to host their own blog somewhere rather than relying exclusively on social media platforms to communicate with the world around them


The privacy policy of this site is simple. I don’t include trackers, I don’t run ads and I absolutely refuse to hand all of your data over to Google via the use of “tools” like Google Analytics. This website is hosted on Github Pages however and while I cannot speak to the level of data collection associated with that service, I’m willing to assume that they are keeping standard web logs and analyzing them using one or more mechanisms.

If any of that bothers you, I’d suggest getting off the web immediately or at least taking some steps to up your web browsing game by employing the use of a VPN service and a browser that doesn’t communicate with Google like Brave. If this doesn’t work for you (and it may well not) then I recommend that you try Firefox instead. If you choose Firefox, you’ll need some reputable extensions like uBlock Origin to round things out.


This page has been rendered using a static site generation tool called Hugo and the Hugo PaperMod Theme. Prior versions of it were rendered using a web application of my own creation known as the Presentation Engine. It was an ASP.NET MVC application written in C# which targets the latest available .NET framework.

I stopped maintaining and using the Presentation Engine software mainly because I no longer believe that CMS systems present a superior option for most users. The reason for this is simple: Popular CMS systems such as Wordpress create a lot of opportunity for would-be hackers to find core level bugs or bugs in popular plugins and exploit those bugs to deface thousands upon thousands of websites with very little effort. The advantage of the static site generation tool is that even if my website is defaced, I can just close the hole and reupload the static files as the output and the input are no longer housed in the same place.


This application was developed using only open source tools.

  • For site editing work I use Visual Studio Code
  • For image work I use Krita
  • For an Operating System I use Fedora Linux