Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
Title[D] When What Actions
Ethical Quandary: Is it ever responsible to irresponsibly disclose? 2018/2/8 12:35 AM
Today's post is going to examine an ethical grey area that I currently find to be very relevant. Is it ever okay to ignore responsible disclosure standards for security related issues? Spoiler alert: I'm going to argue that there are cases in which ignor
Email Address Changeover 2001/10/17 7:56 PM
Alright - I've finally begun to undertake the "enormous" task of changing my email address from darkgamorck@home.com to jaylittle@jaylittle.com Needless to say - I've only just begun to realize just how much of a hassle this will be. But hopefu
Echo Chamber Exodus: Bye Bye Bluesky 2023/7/23 4:32 PM
As regular readers know, I have long questioned the value of social media and I have struggled with the question of how involved I should be with it. This morning I decided to quit Bluesky permanently because the bulk of the community there seems hellben
Dumb Homes For the Win 2018/6/2 4:01 PM
This morning a young man knocked on my door with the goal of selling me on a Vivint Smart Home System. Needless to say that if you know me at all, you know I put the kibosh on that in a hurry. My opposition to this idea springs from more than my fear of
Dual Xeon Goodness 2003/2/18 11:08 AM
Well after months of planning and years of dreaming it has finally happened... I have built the dream machine. It cost $3000+ dollars but it is finally here. Yes it is an SMP box and as you may have guessed based on the title - it uses Xeon processors.
Ding Dong: The Internet is Dead 2020/6/24 7:53 PM
In today's world with everything either burning or smoldering, it can be distressing to wake up each day and face the latest developments. Everything that is happening now is happening because, like the Empires of yesteryear, systems rise and they fall.
Digital Cable 2001/10/19 1:26 AM
So my roommate Lewis and I got our new Digital Cable service hooked up yesterday. For $100/month we get the cable modem service along with the expanded Digital Cable service. Its really a great deal. There are hundreds of channels and loads of stuff to
Development Teams: Help or Hindrance? 2018/6/22 4:05 PM
This week I've decided to tackle a topic which has been in the back burner of my mind for awhile: Whether or not development teams are a help or a hindrance. Why now? I was asked some questions which revolved around this as part of a job interview I had
Developing Custom Software is Probably a Bad Idea 2023/6/28 5:39 AM
This post is the culmination of years of accumulated professional frustration. It will not be well received by some. That's okay. If you make it to the 25 year point of your dev career and you spent most of that time writing custom software for clients
Developer Brethren, its Time to Embrace Boring! 2023/6/22 4:18 PM
So this morning I was listening to one of the Linux related podcasts, Coder Radio and the hosts read feedback from a listener who claimed that he was "bored" with PHP and ready to try something else. Now to be fair, in this particular case, the
Dear PBS Nightly News... 2011/6/2 4:20 AM
Subject: In regards to your "Computer Hacking" story To whom it does concern, To start I would like to say: I've been a fan of PBS for years and for the most part I appreciate the dedication and the impartiality of the PBS News Hour staff. In
Dead but not dying, Gone but not leaving. 2006/9/23 1:36 AM
That title pretty much sums up the state of my website, does it not? I still keep an eye on it and obviously I have secured some form of hosting for it since moving into my first home, though I have yet to actually do anything with it. I guess it takes
Code Monkey Mid-Life Crisis 2023/3/12 2:42 PM
Compared to most coders I work with, I've been coding a long time. Specifically since my father and uncle gifted me and my siblings an Apple II in 1985 when I was six years old. We also received a book called "Computer Fun" which attempted to
Code Monkey Manifesto 2012/7/19 3:51 PM
For those of you not familiar with my resume, let me sum it up for you: I've been designing, developing, deploying and supporting software for 13 years. I've seen my fair share of failures but on the flip side, I've also seen more than my fair share of
Code Mode: A True Developers Drug of Choice 2018/2/19 8:53 PM
This week I wanted to chat about a syndrome that I have experienced a few times over the years as both an amateur and a professional developer. What syndrome am I referring to? One of my favorites: The syndrome of "Code Mode". What is "Co
Check and Mate 2018/4/15 9:01 PM
So in an effort to diversify my hobbies a bit I've recently decided to spend some time getting to know Chess a bit better. While I have casually played Chess all of my life, the reality is that outside of knowing how the pieces move and the conditions un
ChatGPT: Far More Hype Than Substance 2023/2/13 9:50 PM
Much text has been written in recent weeks on the topic of the ChatGPT chat bot, its forthcoming integration into Bing and how it will change the world as we know it. While the commentary has run the entire gamut of possible responses, most of it is defi
Caveat Emptor - Nightdive Studios, System Shock and Crowdfunding Risk 2023/5/31 3:14 PM
Back in 2016, a younger and mildly more optimistic Jay heard about a Kickstarter Campaign for a remake of the classic title, System Shock. Young Jay had fond memories of the original and immediately pledged $30 to help turn the dream into reality. Expec
Betting open for Presentation Engine release.... 2003/6/30 5:51 PM
Another week goes by and.... errrr... ummmm... the updated version of the Presentation Engine has yet to be released. Even though I know better, I like pretending that people out there actually care whether or not I release the engine driving this site.
Benefitfocus, IPOs and Offshoring 2013/4/1 3:28 PM
As anybody who has read my resume knows, I used to work at a company called Benefitfocus. At some point I decided to move on. Now if you spend some time looking at Benefitfocus' website you will probably come away quizzically as according to the culture
Benefitfocus has gone public! 2013/9/18 8:56 PM
Well this has certainly been a long time coming. It seems that Benefitfocus has finally gone public and the share price is skyrocketing . To my friends still there, I would like to say congratulations. Though I'm not sure why. Unless you are getting s
Bah Humbug: Keeping it Real on Christmas 2019/12/25 12:57 AM
So here I am sitting in an AirBnb on Christmas Eve in North Augusta on my laptop while Annette is watches Wheel of Fortune as she likes to do on weeknights. Inside I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for a full day of Christmas related events and visits
Avoiding the Mines in a Field of Tech Fads 2018/6/29 1:54 PM
Chances are that if you've worked in tech long enough, you can probably rattle off a list of tech fads you were forced to suffer through. But you know what my secret is? I have yet to fall for the siren song of any tech fad. But rather than just laughi
Archaeology and Computing 2014/2/4 8:02 PM
Those of you who know me reasonably well, know that I enjoy tinkering with old software. As a developer I've always been fascinated with the evolution of software throughout the years. As a result I tend to collect old pieces of software. However 95% o
Anybody Remember Erik? 2002/7/17 2:15 PM
So does anybody remember Erik Jeffries, the lucky guy who got to post a story on my site because of some stupid superbowl bet that he won? His Story Anyway it seems that some member of his family managed to obtain a picture which resembles what he looked
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