Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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The Problem with Internet Explorer and Spartan 2015/3/31 4:30 PM
Anybody who knows me professionally, knows that I despise Microsofts Internet Explorer web browser. What they probably don't know is why I despise it. Most people likely assume that because I'm a penguin, I'm also an Internet Explorer hater. The two do
The Rise of Ryzen 2021/7/20 12:39 PM
So anybody who is even remotely paying attention to processors knows that Intel is in some really deep shit. Back in 2014 they were essentially riding high above all of the competition and nobody could even come close to challenging their vice like grip o
The Rubber Hits the Road: Principles versus Pragmatism 2018/7/21 1:16 PM
Late last year I reiterated some principles which I intended to keep in mind for the year of 2018. More than six months into the year, I thought it would be good to publicly reflect on how all of that has been going. If you'll recall, there were three p
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 1 2019/10/23 6:25 PM
Today I'm going to tell you a sad tale of a device called the Librem 5 and the company behind it, Purism. As of right now, this story does not have a happy ending. I am writing this series of articles as a protest against the behavior of Purism, a compa
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 2 2019/10/25 9:54 AM
This post marks the second in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven't read the first post yet, I highly recommend that you click here. Give it at least a good skim before reading this one as it contains important backgrou
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 3 2019/10/25 9:20 PM
This post marks the third in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven't read the first or second posts yet, I highly recommend that you click here and then click here. Give them both at least a quick skim before reading this
The Siren Song of Set It and Forget It 2022/9/28 2:27 PM
The point of today's post, or diatribe if you prefer, is to push back against the notion that once you have a piece of tech integrated into a workflow, you are pretty much good to go barring any sort of critical failure. Sadly a lot of people believe thi
Things I Don't Miss About Windows: Updates 2018/3/12 11:45 PM
So I'm going to start off this post by being extremely blunt: I don't like Windows. In fact when it comes to Operating Systems (aka OSes), I consider virtually any other OS a superior choice. The only exception is situations in which some piece of criti
This site is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! 2008/5/23 10:51 PM
When I rewrote the Presentation Engine from scratch, it never even occurred to me validate it using the w3 validation tools available online. Then while chatting on a forum today, the thought suddenly occurred to me. So I initially ran the site through t
TiVO == Gestapo 2009/9/5 10:24 PM
Wow. So today I finally signed up with DirectTV and their HD DVR service. Little did I know that my biggest source of drama here would be with TiVo. Back in Jan of 2009, I had canceled TiVo after my original 2 year commitment was up and tried out the C
Tivo HD + Charter Cable = Suckage 2008/2/1 10:12 AM
Let's start this post with a bit of background information: For starters, in late 2006, I purchased a Tivo Series 2 DVR and replaced my Cable Company's PVR with it. Since it was a Series 2 DVR, I was no longer able to receive digital or HD cable station
To Ping Or Not To Ping, That Is The Question 2020/8/5 1:18 PM
Over the last few months, I have been having trouble with the stability of my home internet connection. This became evident to me while live streaming to Twitch as my stream would begin dropping a lot of frames in a really short amount of time. For a ti
Tor Versus Zoom 2018/4/24 3:10 AM
As I'm sure many of you know, an important part of being a remote worker is maintaining lines of communication with your co-workers. At work we use a variety of tools to accomplish that but one of the most important tools is one called Zoom. It is a scr
TrueType Fonts and Linux 2002/6/11 1:42 AM
Well I just finished spending the last hour getting decent font support set up on my Linux box. Having been recently inspired by a thread on Arstechnica detailing how to set up nice looking fonts in Linux (Redhat 7.3 uses the crappiest ones by default) -
Two Jobs, One Life: Nothing Is Forever 2022/10/20 5:25 PM
To those who don't already know: I will be starting a new job next week. This is notable for one reason above all others: It marks my return to a much more normal situation. You see, for the last four and a half years I have actually had two jobs with t
Tying Up Tech Loose Ends : 2023 Edition 2023/12/29 12:04 PM
So as most of you know, I tend to take the last few weeks of every year off. Primarily I use this time to celebrate the year and reflect on its events. I also use this time to tie up any tech loose ends that I have... and boy did I have a few this year.
Unity Killed Modern Proprietary Gaming For Me 2023/9/15 7:39 PM
As some of you undoubtedly have heard Unity, the company behind one of the most prolific game engines of our time called Unity Engine, recently announced some changes to their pricing. On the surface this may sound like quite a big nothing burger if you
Unplanned Obsolescence 2018/5/6 12:41 PM
For those of you who don't know, I spent most of this past week at a conference in Chicago put on by my employer. This was a bit awkward as I was working out the second week of my three week notice with them. Nevertheless I went and a good time was had
Various bits and bytes 2006/5/24 7:40 AM
I finally bought a house. Yeah I did it. Well I am going to do it. We will close on the house a week from today and begin moving in the following day. To say that my wife and I are excited is an understatement at best. That having been said, I have de
Veni, Vidi... not so much Vici 2018/3/6 1:10 AM
I've been doing a lot thinking regarding the overall state of my trade. Of course that should be obvious to anybody who follows my posts. Much of it has been a deep dive into what can only be described as a creeping depression regarding the state of the
When and Why I Leave 2018/3/29 11:50 PM
Anybody who has ever bothered to read my resume has probably thought to themselves: "This guy sure likes to switch jobs." Well I can't fault them for making that observation as it is at least half true. While I do switch jobs fairly often, the
Why Bad Tech Doesn't Just Die Already 2018/7/7 6:01 PM
This week I'm going to delve into a question which occasionally rears its ugly head even for me: Why doesn't bad tech ever seem to go away? It is worth noting up front that while this includes computer based tech, it covers all kinds of tech. For exampl
Why I believe in Net Neutrality 2014/5/15 4:29 PM
Let's face the facts, most of the people coming to this site either already support Net Neutrality or they have no idea what that term means and are now supremely annoyed that accessing my resume is such a pain in the ass. I apologize to the first group
Why I Can't STFU And Just Code A Solution To Your Problems 2019/12/12 4:21 PM
So over the years I've had a number of people tell me that I tend to focus on the negative aspects rather than the positive aspects of situations. This feedback has been relayed to me on both professional and personal levels. Let me tell you: That this
Why I Push Back 2019/6/20 11:17 PM
A number of people I know have asked me why I feel so strongly about particular tech issues that I feel compelled to take action. A number of those people have also informed me that my practice of maintaining a ban list of companies and products that I r
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