Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Site Changes 2001/10/18 3:44 AM
I've made a few tweaks to the site in an attempt to enhance the 'asthetic' experience. I've tweaked a few off the fonts, added a news logo, and I've added the ability to place icons in with each of the news stories. Yes I stole the icons and the news log
Small Servers, Shitty RAID, Twitch and Caves of Qud 2018/10/6 1:30 PM
This post is really going to be just a random collection of random updates and thoughts. If you are looking for an overarching theme, I'm sorry to disappoint but there isn't one. Nevertheless, this might be worth reading anyway. Your call. So yesterday
So I Went a Little Viral and Survived 2023/4/21 6:02 PM
Everybody knows I got a big mouth. That's why I have a domain for my name and I've been posting tripe to it for over two decades now. The surprising part is that every once in awhile I say something that resonates with other people. That happened last
So long and thanks for all the processor cycles! 2008/3/20 4:02 PM
So it has finally happened. What you say? My old server that I was using for everything here at home, has finally been replaced. No it didn't break or fail in some way. After 5 years of good dedicated service (4.5 of which were trouble free), it was j
Some More Updates... 2001/7/3 3:39 AM
I've gone ahead and rewritten many internal portions of the Presentation Engine (most of these changes won't be noticed by most people - unless you are looking at the code that it is.) This is in preparation for the upcoming first release of the Presenta
Spock Was Wrong: In Tech it is Easier to Create than to Destroy 2021/4/5 8:17 PM
I assume most of you didn't already know this, so I'm going to clarify it up front. One of my favorite sci-fi trilogies is comprised of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Obviously the
State of the Video Game Union 2017/11/15 1:08 PM
This morning I want to talk about something that isn't quite so serious. I want to talk about the state of video gaming. For those of you who don't know, I'm a pretty big gamer. I've been gaming for over thirty years. I started off on an Apple IIe, At
Tech Team Dead Weight a.k.a. Lutz 2023/7/20 11:49 AM
If you've worked in tech and have any degree of actual talent, you have run into the following scenario: You are on a team and that team has at least one member that isn't pulling their weight. The reasons why generally range from a lack of work ethic t
Test Story 1900/1/1 11:00 AM
If you are seeing this, chances are your Presentation System database connection is working correctly. Thanks again for using this system!
The Anatomy of an Epic Fail 2014/10/22 3:02 PM
I just finished reading an article detailing an idea for modernizing the US Postal System and I have some thoughts that I'd like to share. Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment to explain why the following critique is so important to me. The long an
The Bigger They are, the Harder They Fall 2018/2/13 1:21 AM
When it comes to the modern day world of software, one thing above all has become clear to me over the last 20 years: On a long enough time line, failure is virtually guaranteed. That being the case, how our software approaches, adjusts for and reconcile
The Case for Disbanding the NSA 2013/9/7 2:55 AM
Within the last 24 hours, we have learned that NSA has successfully circumvented the most popular forms of encryption in use on the Internet today. This revelation not only undermines the career of people like myself, who essentially work exclusively with
The Cloud, The Indoctrinated and Their Shared Folly 2019/8/15 10:20 PM
Over the past few years, I've spent a lot of time speaking to the dangers of our current blind obsession with the cloud and all it has to offer. Professionally I've experienced life on both sides of the fence: I've seen this problem from the perspective
The Day Facebook and American Cloud Computing Died 2015/10/28 4:46 AM
The day has finally come. Today I have been forced to disolve my relationship with Facebook. Why? In a single word: CISA. In a nutshell CISA is a piece of legislation that allows companies like Facebook to more freely share customer data with the gover
The Dilemma of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 2014/8/22 3:03 AM
So if you haven't been living under a rock, you've probably noticed that over the last few weeks the internet has been awash with people jumping on the "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" train . Over the same period of time, I've made a number of comme
The dream of FOSS Hardware: A whisper in the wind 2018/1/8 1:03 PM
As everybody who reads this site on a regular basis knows, I'm a strong advocate for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). What I don't spent quite as much time talking about are my preferences regarding hardware. The reason for this is pretty simple.
The Evolution of Tech: Amnesiac Highway 2018/1/22 9:09 PM
Something insidious has been lapping away at the innards of my mind for quite awhile. To be honest I wasn't even consciously aware of it 48 hours ago. So why am I writing about it now? Yesterday at my nephew's 9th birthday party, somebody posited the t
The Evolution of Tech: Roadkill 2018/1/30 12:58 AM
In a follow up to last weeks post, I've decided to examine some of the other side effects of increased technology accessibility. After spending some more time pondering my last post, I realized that the problem goes far beyond a loss of unrelated learnin
The Feds + Health Insurance + CGI Federal + Experian == A Fucking Nightmare 2013/10/10 4:40 PM
So as most of you know, the health insurance exchanges for ACA (Affordable Care Act) went live on October 1st, 2013. Well at least in theory they did. When it comes to the exchanges states had two choices: Either implement their own exchange so that re
The Joy Of Being Alive 2023/11/15 8:47 PM
Yesterday I almost died. At least I came as close to dying as I have ever come over the course of my life. I hadn't been feeling well since Monday morning. I was experiencing quite a bit of abdominal pain and bloating. It only got worse as time progre
The Manifesto of a Productive Business Software Developer 2015/11/3 5:28 PM
The other day I got asked by my boss' boss to share the "secret sauce" behind my productivity at work. This was an odd moment for me as over the last 17 years of my of professional life, nobody has ever asked me to do that. But it did get me t
The March of Gentoo continues... 2003/1/15 7:41 PM
As some of my loyal readers (whom I could probably count on a single hand) may remember - I switched my Linux box over to Gentoo a few months back. I was so enthralled over Gentoo that I decided to actually make a post on my site here about how it was li
The Modern Web Is A Quagmire, So I Embraced NoScript 2019/8/21 5:38 PM
If you are a regular visitor, you know that I normally I update my site with new content on a monthly basis. However the events of the last 24 hours have compelled me to break with tradition and reach out to the wider world as soon as possible. I already
The Mozilla MSN Mystery 2001/10/26 6:17 AM
Well well well... on the day that Microsoft releases XP it seems that they have also released the 'updated' version of MSN. It seems that this new version of MSN refuses to function correctly with non Microsoft browsers. After playing with this problem f
The Patriots win the Superbowl - By Erik Jeffreys 2002/2/4 7:38 AM
Yes the patriots have won the superbowl despite everybody thinking otherwise. In fact I was so sure that this wouldn't happen - I made a bet with a work friend of mine. The bet was that if the Patriots won - we could post something to my site. Well it
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