Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Developing Custom Software is Probably a Bad Idea 2023/6/28 5:39 AM
This post is the culmination of years of accumulated professional frustration. It will not be well received by some. That's okay. If you make it to the 25 year point of your dev career and you spent most of that time writing custom software for clients
Development Teams: Help or Hindrance? 2018/6/22 4:05 PM
This week I've decided to tackle a topic which has been in the back burner of my mind for awhile: Whether or not development teams are a help or a hindrance. Why now? I was asked some questions which revolved around this as part of a job interview I had
Digital Cable 2001/10/19 1:26 AM
So my roommate Lewis and I got our new Digital Cable service hooked up yesterday. For $100/month we get the cable modem service along with the expanded Digital Cable service. Its really a great deal. There are hundreds of channels and loads of stuff to
Ding Dong: The Internet is Dead 2020/6/24 7:53 PM
In today's world with everything either burning or smoldering, it can be distressing to wake up each day and face the latest developments. Everything that is happening now is happening because, like the Empires of yesteryear, systems rise and they fall.
Dual Xeon Goodness 2003/2/18 11:08 AM
Well after months of planning and years of dreaming it has finally happened... I have built the dream machine. It cost $3000+ dollars but it is finally here. Yes it is an SMP box and as you may have guessed based on the title - it uses Xeon processors.
Dumb Homes For the Win 2018/6/2 4:01 PM
This morning a young man knocked on my door with the goal of selling me on a Vivint Smart Home System. Needless to say that if you know me at all, you know I put the kibosh on that in a hurry. My opposition to this idea springs from more than my fear of
Echo Chamber Exodus: Bye Bye Bluesky 2023/7/23 4:32 PM
As regular readers know, I have long questioned the value of social media and I have struggled with the question of how involved I should be with it. This morning I decided to quit Bluesky permanently because the bulk of the community there seems hellben
Email Address Changeover 2001/10/17 7:56 PM
Alright - I've finally begun to undertake the "enormous" task of changing my email address from darkgamorck@home.com to jaylittle@jaylittle.com Needless to say - I've only just begun to realize just how much of a hassle this will be. But hopefu
Ethical Quandary: Is it ever responsible to irresponsibly disclose? 2018/2/8 12:35 AM
Today's post is going to examine an ethical grey area that I currently find to be very relevant. Is it ever okay to ignore responsible disclosure standards for security related issues? Spoiler alert: I'm going to argue that there are cases in which ignor
Fact: Every Tech Related Disaster Is Man-Made 2018/3/17 2:29 PM
Yesterday at work I was finishing off an extremely productive week. After spending the previous week on a spike, everything was really starting to come together for the feature I'm building. It was a good day. But then during a team demo somebody made
Feline Diabetes for one please. Ching! Ching! 2003/6/26 7:19 AM
I recently became aware of a rather startling fact that most people are likely not aware of. Felines (Cats for the laymen fools among you) can get diabetes. How did I find this out you ask.... Well I came home from work about two weeks ago to find my fa
Finally... some Peace and Quiet 2022/3/16 3:25 PM
So ya'll have been following me on my hardware journey for awhile now and you have probably noticed that I keep focusing on different facets of the hardware experience. Well today I have some good news: I have finally found the exact combination of fact
Fun, Franchises and ReMastered Classic Games 2021/10/6 2:35 PM
So long time readers will remember that about four years back, I posted a diatribe entitled "Repeat after me: Games are supposed to be fun" that basically railed against the realization that a lot of the new games floating around weren't actuall
Gaming 2008/1/6 9:15 PM
So of course I'm still gaming. Pretty decently too. Over the last year I managed to snag a Wii. The Wii is a pretty cool piece of equipment. However my mainline gaming interest has stayed with RPG gaming. Over the course of the last year I've played
GE and Pentium 4s 2001/10/5 1:17 AM
Yeppo - everything with GE worked out fine. My contract has been renewed (with the other Agency) and things are looking good in that respect. I built a new Pentium 4 based box a few weeks ago. The specs of it are 1.7 ghz P4/640 MB RDRAM/70 gigs/Geforce3
Gentoo Linux is da Bomb 2002/10/27 11:48 PM
Well I've finally concluded my latest round of Linux upgrades. I originally planned on migrating my Linux box to RH Linux 8 but apparent kernel related incompatibilities prevented me from doing so. So in my desperation I decided to give good ole Gentoo
Get Flash You Stupid Hippie 2008/3/22 7:30 PM
So I was doing a bit of surfing from my new server (see my previous post) and I happened to check out South Park Studios for an list of current South Park episodes, and I got this tasteful tidbit for my trouble: Now that is some funny shit. It's good t
Goodbye Small Server, Hello 150 Watt Office 2021/3/4 2:42 PM
Anybody who has spent any amount of time reading my content over the past few years knows what my small server project is. For those of you not in the know, it was basically my attempt to stop using an old desktop as my home server and transition all of
Goodbye Windows 10 : Viva La Linux! 2016/7/31 4:25 PM
Yesterday was a red letter day for me. Two decades after using Linux for the first time, I have finally managed to fully convert all of daily driver devices to boot Linux. Any of you who know me, know that for years now I've been running Linux natively a
Google Finally Reveals Its Endgame with Chrome 2019/5/31 12:34 PM
Earlier this year in January, Google publicly toyed with making some changes to its Extension WebRequest API that would effectively kill off reputable ad-blockers. This announcement was met with much sound and fury and Google appeared to fold after a few
Hasta La Vista Android 2022/8/4 12:48 AM
Well two and a half weeks ago I finally put on my big boy pants and took Annette down to the local Apple Store... and bought two iPhones. That decision came about because of years of accumulated frustration with Android, Google and Android OEMs. If you w
Here today, a forgotten Vista’ tomorrow 2007/2/24 12:45 PM
Yeah it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy. I just finished spending a full month with the newly released Windows Vista and boy do I have quite a bit to say about it. To put a long story short, I’m now using Windows XP once again. As most of you imaginary r
Honeymoons and all that stuff. 2004/12/2 7:13 PM
As some of you may know... Annette and I never actually got to go on a honeymoon when we got married. However one of our larger wedding presents was the promise of funding for such a venture should we ever find the time to do it. Well... okay maybe find
How Proprietary Tech Was Used to Summarily Execute Huawei 2019/5/21 12:36 PM
So for this month's blog post, I've decided to tackle a bit of tech drama that has been brewing for awhile. In case you didn't know, the Chinese telecom/tech company Huawei has been repeatedly accused by the US government of spying on their customers at
I am on the McNulty Spectrum 2023/7/16 2:14 PM
So over the last few weeks, I have been re-watching one of my favorite television shows of all time, The Wire. If you haven't seen it, you should probably rectify that oversight. That being what it is, I'm currently making my way through Season 3 and I
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