Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Low Standards in Software tend to go Viral 2018/2/27 1:27 AM
So here is something that has been on my mind as of late: The plague of shitty software. My goodness, there really is a lot of it floating around nowadays. That's not what I'm really concerned about though. What concerns me is that our ability to accep
Code Mode: A True Developers Drug of Choice 2018/2/19 8:53 PM
This week I wanted to chat about a syndrome that I have experienced a few times over the years as both an amateur and a professional developer. What syndrome am I referring to? One of my favorites: The syndrome of "Code Mode". What is "Co
The Bigger They are, the Harder They Fall 2018/2/13 1:21 AM
When it comes to the modern day world of software, one thing above all has become clear to me over the last 20 years: On a long enough time line, failure is virtually guaranteed. That being the case, how our software approaches, adjusts for and reconcile
Ethical Quandary: Is it ever responsible to irresponsibly disclose? 2018/2/8 12:35 AM
Today's post is going to examine an ethical grey area that I currently find to be very relevant. Is it ever okay to ignore responsible disclosure standards for security related issues? Spoiler alert: I'm going to argue that there are cases in which ignor
The Evolution of Tech: Roadkill 2018/1/30 12:58 AM
In a follow up to last weeks post, I've decided to examine some of the other side effects of increased technology accessibility. After spending some more time pondering my last post, I realized that the problem goes far beyond a loss of unrelated learnin
The Evolution of Tech: Amnesiac Highway 2018/1/22 9:09 PM
Something insidious has been lapping away at the innards of my mind for quite awhile. To be honest I wasn't even consciously aware of it 48 hours ago. So why am I writing about it now? Yesterday at my nephew's 9th birthday party, somebody posited the t
The dream of FOSS Hardware: A whisper in the wind 2018/1/8 1:03 PM
As everybody who reads this site on a regular basis knows, I'm a strong advocate for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). What I don't spent quite as much time talking about are my preferences regarding hardware. The reason for this is pretty simple.
A Man Without a Web Browser 2018/1/2 2:04 AM
So those of you who know me personally know that I recently switched from Chromium to Firefox. I obviously haven't commented on that change here. Why? Well there is actually a really good reason for my silence and I'm going to tell you why. The long an
Notable Principles for 2018 2017/12/26 2:41 PM
With the new year right around the corner, it seems its the expected time to make a few resolutions. Though I have gone out of my way to largely ignore this practice, at the end of 2016 I made my first resolution in over a decade. That resolution was, &
Repeat after me: Games are supposed to be fun 2017/12/19 11:50 AM
So over the last few weeks I've been dividing my time between Divinity: Original Sin and Horizon Zero Dawn. I stated playing Divinity first so I've plowed much more time into it, lets say 60 hours. Whereas I've put about 25 hours into Horizon. I love H
Riding the Nostalgia Wave: How Old is too Old? 2017/12/5 9:12 PM
Over my years as a software developer I have on occasion stopped and asked myself, "What exactly is the point?" I realize that on the surface that sounds a bit depressing, but you have to recognize that over the last forty years virtually every
Net Neutrality: Deja Vu Edition 2017/11/25 1:41 PM
This morning I felt like writing a piece about a subject that is very near and dear to my heart: Net Neutrality. Though as I started I got a feeling of Deja Vu. Oh wait. I already wrote that post, didn't I? After taking some time to reread it, I'm pre
Jack of One Trade 2017/11/21 1:33 PM
I recently discovered that a virtual Windows server I was running had been hacked. I was being paid to run it as part of an arrangement with a long time client of mine. This server ran Windows Server 2008 R2 and though it was rarely used, it was configu
State of the Video Game Union 2017/11/15 1:08 PM
This morning I want to talk about something that isn't quite so serious. I want to talk about the state of video gaming. For those of you who don't know, I'm a pretty big gamer. I've been gaming for over thirty years. I started off on an Apple IIe, At
PEngine.core beta is live! 2017/10/2 3:28 AM
Let me start this off by saying: It's been a hell of a journey. The last time I ported this app to a new platform was back in late 2012 when I ported it to ASP.NET MVC. I honestly forgot how much work it was. But it was worth it. So worth it. Why? Beca
Goodbye Windows 10 : Viva La Linux! 2016/7/31 4:25 PM
Yesterday was a red letter day for me. Two decades after using Linux for the first time, I have finally managed to fully convert all of daily driver devices to boot Linux. Any of you who know me, know that for years now I've been running Linux natively a
My Plans for Presentation Engine Version 5 2015/12/5 5:42 PM
The time for a new version of the Presentation Engine is almost upon us. Only this time, the up front visible changes will be rather minimal. No instead my intention for the V5 release (which is not currently in active development, just in the planning
The Manifesto of a Productive Business Software Developer 2015/11/3 5:28 PM
The other day I got asked by my boss' boss to share the "secret sauce" behind my productivity at work. This was an odd moment for me as over the last 17 years of my of professional life, nobody has ever asked me to do that. But it did get me t
The Day Facebook and American Cloud Computing Died 2015/10/28 4:46 AM
The day has finally come. Today I have been forced to disolve my relationship with Facebook. Why? In a single word: CISA. In a nutshell CISA is a piece of legislation that allows companies like Facebook to more freely share customer data with the gover
Ode to GoldBox RPGs 2015/5/19 2:33 AM
As many of you know, I self identify as a retro and an indie gamer. That pretty much means that for the most part, I don't play many of the modern AAA games out there. Of course as a retro gamer, one must avoid going full hipster (otherwise known as ass
The Problem with Internet Explorer and Spartan 2015/3/31 4:30 PM
Anybody who knows me professionally, knows that I despise Microsofts Internet Explorer web browser. What they probably don't know is why I despise it. Most people likely assume that because I'm a penguin, I'm also an Internet Explorer hater. The two do
Lenovo X1 Carbon: My New Ultrabook 2015/3/12 3:18 PM
So as some of you know, I tend to get a new laptop every 12 to 18 months. Over the years my preferences for laptops have changed drastically however and this has been reflected by my latest purchase, a third generation Lenovo X1 Carbon ultrabook. Long g
Accountability: The Missing Ingredient 2014/12/4 4:46 PM
Over the last few weeks, the public has been subjected to an array of Grand Juries deciding not to indict cops accused of homicide. Keep in mind that we aren't talking about the verdicts of trials here. We are talking about indictments. An indictment i
The Anatomy of an Epic Fail 2014/10/22 3:02 PM
I just finished reading an article detailing an idea for modernizing the US Postal System and I have some thoughts that I'd like to share. Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment to explain why the following critique is so important to me. The long an
JPL Coding, Independence and Ethics Redux 2014/9/29 8:59 PM
As any of my readers know, ethics is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart when it comes to software development. When you run your own shop, there comes a time when your ethics are going to be tested. I thought I understood what that test woul
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