Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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All Hail the Tech Magicians and their Cantrips 2022/9/7 3:33 PM
Before I launch into this month's diatribe I want to offer my readers a word of warning: I've been feeling very pessimistic about tech in general as of late and this piece will expose a large portion of that to my audience. If you are already depressed
Hasta La Vista Android 2022/8/4 12:48 AM
Well two and a half weeks ago I finally put on my big boy pants and took Annette down to the local Apple Store... and bought two iPhones. That decision came about because of years of accumulated frustration with Android, Google and Android OEMs. If you w
Proof of Life: I Still Have Something to Say 2022/6/22 2:17 PM
So its been a few months since I have posted anything here and the reason why is simple: I just haven't been feeling all that chatty lately. Now you might be thinking, "Has Jay finally run out of tech things to talk about?" and let me assure yo
Pop! Goes the Distro And Fiber Internet For The Win 2022/4/26 8:42 PM
Some weeks it sure seems like things are always changing, doesn't it? Well these past few weeks have definitely felt that way for me. Just when I think things in my tech landscape are solidifying to the point where I won't have any more material for tec
Finally... some Peace and Quiet 2022/3/16 3:25 PM
So ya'll have been following me on my hardware journey for awhile now and you have probably noticed that I keep focusing on different facets of the hardware experience. Well today I have some good news: I have finally found the exact combination of fact
Scam Review: Big Tech Bullshit 2022/2/16 12:06 AM
This is a post that I will probably come to regret writing and publishing in the future. The reason for that is simple. This post is going to make a lot of former, current and potentially future co-workers feel like idiots. That's because the topic for
Fun, Franchises and ReMastered Classic Games 2021/10/6 2:35 PM
So long time readers will remember that about four years back, I posted a diatribe entitled "Repeat after me: Games are supposed to be fun" that basically railed against the realization that a lot of the new games floating around weren't actuall
The Rise of Ryzen 2021/7/20 12:39 PM
So anybody who is even remotely paying attention to processors knows that Intel is in some really deep shit. Back in 2014 they were essentially riding high above all of the competition and nobody could even come close to challenging their vice like grip o
Windows 11 Announced: A Legacy OS Gives Consumers The Middle Finger 2021/6/25 9:57 PM
As some of you may have heard, yesterday Microsoft announced the upcoming release of Windows 11. As an early build had leaked last week and Microsoft had dropped a number of hints this did not shock anybody in particular. What was rather shocking was how
Spock Was Wrong: In Tech it is Easier to Create than to Destroy 2021/4/5 8:17 PM
I assume most of you didn't already know this, so I'm going to clarify it up front. One of my favorite sci-fi trilogies is comprised of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Obviously the
Goodbye Small Server, Hello 150 Watt Office 2021/3/4 2:42 PM
Anybody who has spent any amount of time reading my content over the past few years knows what my small server project is. For those of you not in the know, it was basically my attempt to stop using an old desktop as my home server and transition all of
To Ping Or Not To Ping, That Is The Question 2020/8/5 1:18 PM
Over the last few months, I have been having trouble with the stability of my home internet connection. This became evident to me while live streaming to Twitch as my stream would begin dropping a lot of frames in a really short amount of time. For a ti
Ding Dong: The Internet is Dead 2020/6/24 7:53 PM
In today's world with everything either burning or smoldering, it can be distressing to wake up each day and face the latest developments. Everything that is happening now is happening because, like the Empires of yesteryear, systems rise and they fall.
Knowing and Living With Your Boundaries 2020/2/2 2:45 PM
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have boundaries. Part of growing older is being able to identify and knowing how to address our boundaries. Sometimes we find ways to transcend those boundaries and other times we discover, often as part of a p
Bah Humbug: Keeping it Real on Christmas 2019/12/25 12:57 AM
So here I am sitting in an AirBnb on Christmas Eve in North Augusta on my laptop while Annette is watches Wheel of Fortune as she likes to do on weeknights. Inside I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for a full day of Christmas related events and visits
Why I Can't STFU And Just Code A Solution To Your Problems 2019/12/12 4:21 PM
So over the years I've had a number of people tell me that I tend to focus on the negative aspects rather than the positive aspects of situations. This feedback has been relayed to me on both professional and personal levels. Let me tell you: That this
Paradise Reclaimed: Retro Gaming, FPGAs and the MiSTer 2019/11/16 1:49 PM
So in light of the exceptionally serious posts that have graced the front page of this site over the last month I have decided to do something a little different today. Consider this my official attempt to remind you all that I am actually capable of doi
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 3 2019/10/25 9:20 PM
This post marks the third in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven't read the first or second posts yet, I highly recommend that you click here and then click here. Give them both at least a quick skim before reading this
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 2 2019/10/25 9:54 AM
This post marks the second in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven't read the first post yet, I highly recommend that you click here. Give it at least a good skim before reading this one as it contains important backgrou
The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 1 2019/10/23 6:25 PM
Today I'm going to tell you a sad tale of a device called the Librem 5 and the company behind it, Purism. As of right now, this story does not have a happy ending. I am writing this series of articles as a protest against the behavior of Purism, a compa
The Modern Web Is A Quagmire, So I Embraced NoScript 2019/8/21 5:38 PM
If you are a regular visitor, you know that I normally I update my site with new content on a monthly basis. However the events of the last 24 hours have compelled me to break with tradition and reach out to the wider world as soon as possible. I already
The Cloud, The Indoctrinated and Their Shared Folly 2019/8/15 10:20 PM
Over the past few years, I've spent a lot of time speaking to the dangers of our current blind obsession with the cloud and all it has to offer. Professionally I've experienced life on both sides of the fence: I've seen this problem from the perspective
My Modern Gaming Escape Plan 2019/7/16 11:57 PM
Most who know me have at some time or another heard me profess my love for Retro and Indie gaming. At the heart of this love however is a growing and increasingly cancerous disdain for modern gaming that I have finally decided to no longer ignore. Now I
Why I Push Back 2019/6/20 11:17 PM
A number of people I know have asked me why I feel so strongly about particular tech issues that I feel compelled to take action. A number of those people have also informed me that my practice of maintaining a ban list of companies and products that I r
Google Finally Reveals Its Endgame with Chrome 2019/5/31 12:34 PM
Earlier this year in January, Google publicly toyed with making some changes to its Extension WebRequest API that would effectively kill off reputable ad-blockers. This announcement was met with much sound and fury and Google appeared to fold after a few
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