Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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The Court of Fossalot - SouthEast LinuxFest 2024 2024/6/14 1:14 PM
So it's that time of year and I spent last weekend at SouthEast LinuxFest (SELF) 2024 in Charlotte, NC. This was my second year of attending and it absolutely lived up to the lofty expectations set by my first trip last year. This year was less about th
A Change in Direction 2024/4/6 7:29 PM
As some of you may have noticed, I have been rather quiet over the last few months. There are a lot of reasons for my silence. The more observant among you may have even noticed that content has disappeared and reappeared from this site several times ov
Tying Up Tech Loose Ends : 2023 Edition 2023/12/29 12:04 PM
So as most of you know, I tend to take the last few weeks of every year off. Primarily I use this time to celebrate the year and reflect on its events. I also use this time to tie up any tech loose ends that I have... and boy did I have a few this year.
The Joy Of Being Alive 2023/11/15 8:47 PM
Yesterday I almost died. At least I came as close to dying as I have ever come over the course of my life. I hadn't been feeling well since Monday morning. I was experiencing quite a bit of abdominal pain and bloating. It only got worse as time progre
Linux Laptop Letdown: When OEM Largesse Runs Dry 2023/10/17 10:49 PM
Today's post is about a subject near and dear to my heart: Laptops with Linux preinstalled. Sadly this is not a happy post, but rather one in which I share my recent angst about the state of Linux Laptop hardware and how I have maneuvered myself into a v
Penguin's Side Piece: How and Why I Became a Part Time Apple Fanboi 2023/9/26 8:15 PM
While most of my readers probably think of me as being some kind of massive die hard Linux loving Penguin, the reality is that outside of servers, laptops and desktops I don't use Linux very much. The purpose of today's post is to detail the reasons and
Unity Killed Modern Proprietary Gaming For Me 2023/9/15 7:39 PM
As some of you undoubtedly have heard Unity, the company behind one of the most prolific game engines of our time called Unity Engine, recently announced some changes to their pricing. On the surface this may sound like quite a big nothing burger if you
Echo Chamber Exodus: Bye Bye Bluesky 2023/7/23 4:32 PM
As regular readers know, I have long questioned the value of social media and I have struggled with the question of how involved I should be with it. This morning I decided to quit Bluesky permanently because the bulk of the community there seems hellben
Tech Team Dead Weight a.k.a. Lutz 2023/7/20 11:49 AM
If you've worked in tech and have any degree of actual talent, you have run into the following scenario: You are on a team and that team has at least one member that isn't pulling their weight. The reasons why generally range from a lack of work ethic t
I am on the McNulty Spectrum 2023/7/16 2:14 PM
So over the last few weeks, I have been re-watching one of my favorite television shows of all time, The Wire. If you haven't seen it, you should probably rectify that oversight. That being what it is, I'm currently making my way through Season 3 and I
Developing Custom Software is Probably a Bad Idea 2023/6/28 5:39 AM
This post is the culmination of years of accumulated professional frustration. It will not be well received by some. That's okay. If you make it to the 25 year point of your dev career and you spent most of that time writing custom software for clients
Developer Brethren, its Time to Embrace Boring! 2023/6/22 4:18 PM
So this morning I was listening to one of the Linux related podcasts, Coder Radio and the hosts read feedback from a listener who claimed that he was "bored" with PHP and ready to try something else. Now to be fair, in this particular case, the
My First Linux Conference - SouthEast LinuxFest 2023 2023/6/14 2:05 PM
I've been a Linux fan for almost 30 years, yet in all of that time, I never actually attended a Linux event (ignoring a handful of local Linux User Group (LUG) events here and there). That is, until this past weekend when I attended SouthEast LinuxFest (
Your Data, Their Profits, Our Loss: KTHXBAI Reddit, Twitch, StackOverflow, Twitter and how BlueSky Helped 2023/6/9 10:26 PM
As of late it has become rather fashionable for established tech orgs running established platforms to attempt to make their platforms profitable. While the exact underlying reasons for this in each case varies, the end result is the same: Whatever the s
Caveat Emptor - Nightdive Studios, System Shock and Crowdfunding Risk 2023/5/31 3:14 PM
Back in 2016, a younger and mildly more optimistic Jay heard about a Kickstarter Campaign for a remake of the classic title, System Shock. Young Jay had fond memories of the original and immediately pledged $30 to help turn the dream into reality. Expec
So I Went a Little Viral and Survived 2023/4/21 6:02 PM
Everybody knows I got a big mouth. That's why I have a domain for my name and I've been posting tripe to it for over two decades now. The surprising part is that every once in awhile I say something that resonates with other people. That happened last
Low Code Software Development Is A Lie 2023/4/14 8:36 PM
I've been writing custom software for a long time and one of the things that annoys me most is when a client adopts the position that there is a silver bullet which will reduce or remove the inherent complexity of this task. This happens more often than
Ship of Fools: The Race to Ban TikTok 2023/4/1 2:27 PM
Anybody even remotely invested in keeping up with current events here in America, knows that TikTok is on the verge of being banned. If you are a frequent reader, you already know that I am against that. Doubly so in this case as the US Government has y
Code Monkey Mid-Life Crisis 2023/3/12 2:42 PM
Compared to most coders I work with, I've been coding a long time. Specifically since my father and uncle gifted me and my siblings an Apple II in 1985 when I was six years old. We also received a book called "Computer Fun" which attempted to
ChatGPT: Far More Hype Than Substance 2023/2/13 9:50 PM
Much text has been written in recent weeks on the topic of the ChatGPT chat bot, its forthcoming integration into Bing and how it will change the world as we know it. While the commentary has run the entire gamut of possible responses, most of it is defi
MacOS is the Worst Part of Apple Silicon 2023/1/23 11:42 PM
I recently took a new job and my new employer gave me a choice between a Lenovo Thinkpad with Windows and an M1 Macbook Pro with MacOS. Even my least dedicated readers know that I have no love for Windows and have spent literal years trying to rid myself
Pop Goes the Gaslighting Weasel 2022/12/28 2:12 PM
I've spent a lot of time debating on whether or not I should even write this blog post. Truth is that I was this close to just letting the entire thing fade into oblivion but after searching out some reading material on the subject, I decided that I need
A Farewell to Arms 2022/12/6 3:57 PM
There is no great way to put this without a certain segment of my readers recoiling in horror, so I'm just going to say it. I'm tired of fighting for things on the job. After over 20 years of professionally being combative when I thought the situation c
Two Jobs, One Life: Nothing Is Forever 2022/10/20 5:25 PM
To those who don't already know: I will be starting a new job next week. This is notable for one reason above all others: It marks my return to a much more normal situation. You see, for the last four and a half years I have actually had two jobs with t
The Siren Song of Set It and Forget It 2022/9/28 2:27 PM
The point of today's post, or diatribe if you prefer, is to push back against the notion that once you have a piece of tech integrated into a workflow, you are pretty much good to go barring any sort of critical failure. Sadly a lot of people believe thi
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