Google Finally Reveals Its Endgame with Chrome

Earlier this year in January, Google publicly toyed with making some changes to its Extension WebRequest API that would effectively kill off reputable ad-blockers. This announcement was met with much sound and fury and Google appeared to fold after a few weeks of controversy and a bit of research on the part of the community. However all of this ultimately signified nothing as Google announced plans to move forward with nearly the exact same plan this week....

May 31, 2019 · 6 min · Jay Little

How Proprietary Tech Was Used to Summarily Execute Huawei

So for this month’s blog post, I’ve decided to tackle a bit of tech drama that has been brewing for awhile. In case you didn’t know, the Chinese telecom/tech company Huawei has been repeatedly accused by the US government of spying on their customers at the behest of the Chinese government. No supporting evidence has been released to the public. Despite this lack of evidence, this week the Trump Administration has banned Huawei from doing business with any US based entity using an executive order....

May 21, 2019 · 4 min · Jay Little

Reality vs Idealism Equals Burnout

In today’s irregularly scheduled pontification, I’m going to be addressing a subject that I have been personally struggling with for the majority of my career. When it comes to expectations in software development, I have recently realized that holding oneself to insane standards is not only ill-advised but potentially career ending. If you are a regular reader (which is impossible as I’m never going to be a regular poster) then you have likely already figured out that I am a software developer on the verge of burnout....

April 10, 2019 · 6 min · Jay Little

Privacy is Dead and Nobody Cares

Over the last few years I have chronicled my struggle to maintain my privacy while maintaining an effective online presence. If you are an avid reader, you know that I believe that I am fighting a losing battle. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter as I have finally realized that most people just don’t care and nothing that you or I can do will ever be enough to make them care....

March 19, 2019 · 4 min · Jay Little

Windows is a Legacy Operating System

People who know me and talk with me, know I’ve been making this claim for years. That means that this post has been years in the making. That is true both in terms of the argument I’m about to make and in the actions Microsoft has taken to create the situation. The reality is that if I had made this argument ten years ago, most people would’ve laughed and stopped reading by the end of the first paragraph....

October 21, 2018 · 7 min · Jay Little

Small Servers, Shitty RAID, Twitch and Caves of Qud

This post is really going to be just a random collection of random updates and thoughts. If you are looking for an overarching theme, I’m sorry to disappoint but there isn’t one. Nevertheless, this might be worth reading anyway. Your call. So yesterday was a painful and stressful but ultimately fruitful day for me in terms of tech. You see I received the parts required to complete my small server project....

October 6, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

Proprietary Software is a Plague

So as I’m sure my readers have noticed, the rate at which I’ve been producing content here has slowed. The reason for that is simple: I don’t have as much to say as of late. However I have been saving up yet another classic rant and today I’m ready to unleash it upon you all. Proprietary Software is a plague and today I’m going to explain why. Before I get going I want to address the elephant in the room....

September 1, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

Android Fraking Sucks

So I’ve taken a bit of a break from writing over the last few weeks. Honestly while I kind of needed one, the reality is that I also didn’t really have anything interesting to say. Nevertheless, I’m back and I’ve decided that I’d like to spend a few minutes convincing you that the world’s most popular operating system, Android, is a steaming pile of dung. I can already hear you saying, “Oh no here comes another pro Apple diatribe....

August 11, 2018 · 9 min · Jay Little

The Rubber Hits the Road: Principles versus Pragmatism

Late last year I reiterated some principles which I intended to keep in mind for the year of 2018. More than six months into the year, I thought it would be good to publicly reflect on how all of that has been going. If you’ll recall, there were three principles. I’m going to go through each of them one by one and enumerate my progress and setbacks. If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to take the time to read my original post “Notable Principles for 2018” before continuing....

July 21, 2018 · 5 min · Jay Little

Sadism, Masochism and HD Antennas

Way back when in 2012, I did what is commonly referred to now as “cutting the cord”. It was a bold move as all I had was a Roku device, a Tivo DVR and an HD antenna. If it had been solely up to me I probably wouldn’t have bothered with the Tivo and the antenna but Annette really wanted some form of live TV, so that was that. Six years down the road, I’ve finally decided to begin moving away from the Tivo/Antenna combo....

July 15, 2018 · 5 min · Jay Little