Code Monkey Manifesto

For those of you not familiar with my resume, let me sum it up for you: I’ve been designing, developing, deploying and supporting software for 13 years. I’ve seen my fair share of failures but on the flip side, I’ve also seen more than my fair share of successes. I’d say when it comes right down to it, developing great software isn’t really that difficult. Above all else it has been my experience that the primary requirement one must fulfill in order to develop great software is that you have to care....

July 19, 2012 · 3 min · Jay Little

Dear PBS Nightly News...

Subject: In regards to your “Computer Hacking” story To whom it does concern, To start I would like to say: I’ve been a fan of PBS for years and for the most part I appreciate the dedication and the impartiality of the PBS News Hour staff. In addition I make my living working in IT and have a sizable level of experience in regards to Computer Security. However on a less congratulatory note, I just finished watching your “Computer Hacking” discussion that was broadcast on the PBS Nightly News on 2011/06/01 @ 6 PM EST and I was appalled....

June 2, 2011 · 5 min · Jay Little

Local Boredom brought to you by me

So apparently there is an election where I live in Greer today. And I don’t care. However when the father of one of the candidates came stumping through my neighborhood this weekend and handed me a brochure advertising his daughter’s candidacy, I couldn’t help but be struck by the level of nonsense it contained. For instance his daughters political party membership, views on important topics and stances and on issues relevant to Greer as a community were not included in this pamphlet....

November 3, 2009 · 2 min · Jay Little

TiVO == Gestapo

Wow. So today I finally signed up with DirectTV and their HD DVR service. Little did I know that my biggest source of drama here would be with TiVo. Back in Jan of 2009, I had canceled TiVo after my original 2 year commitment was up and tried out the Cable company’s DVR option. After about a month of suffering, we decided to move back to our low def TiVo (having already tried the TiVo HD and found that neither TiVo nor our cable company could/would get the CableCARD solution to work)....

September 5, 2009 · 3 min · Jay Little

Windows 7 is out

Well, the day has finally come. Or it came a few days ago. Well technically it came on July 13th, but wasn’t announced until this Wednesday July 22nd. Windows 7 is done! And not only that, but the untouched RTM build straight from Microsoft is floating around out there in the wild. I can’t wait to get my keys via my Action Pack subscription next month. Though until then I’ve installed it with no key....

July 26, 2009 · 2 min · Jay Little

Knick Knacks

Hmmmm… it’s been awhile hasn’t it? Well not only am I posting something to the site, I’ve also uploaded a slightly improved build of it along with adding a new default theme into the mix. I’ve been toying with the idea of a decent all black theme for awhile now and finally got around to throwing together something that works. Of course I’d be lying if I said that I came up with it all by myself....

February 24, 2009 · 4 min · Jay Little

RIP Free Market

So this weekend brings news that our wonderful government is planning on bailing out yet another bank. Really? I guess the fact that this tactic failed the first half dozen times or so doesn’t mean it won’t work this time around, right? Oh but wait despite what it sounds like there are some fresh tactics, only it’s not what we need but rather what the people who stand to lose the most actually want:...

November 24, 2008 · 3 min · Jay Little

Rack em, Stack em, Watch em fall

Today the US Congress rejected the Financial Bailout Plan as put forward by the Bush Administration. While they are vowing to restructure the bill and get another vote going when they return from recess later in the week, I believe the idea has summarily died. The concept of bailing out the financial wizards who claimed that effectively turning debt into a form of currency via securities was risk-free is a disheartening concept to most....

September 30, 2008 · 3 min · Jay Little

You Suck at Photoshop

So ever since Tuesday, I’ve had some rough stomach problems. I’ll spare you the sloppy details, suffice to say that I’ve been spending most of this week at home trying to work my way through it all. Sometime in the last few days, I found a wonderful video series on YouTube called, “You Suck at PhotoShop”. This series of ten videos are essentially at their core, tutorials for how to use PhotoShop for advanced image manipulation....

April 5, 2008 · 1 min · Jay Little

Get Flash You Stupid Hippie

So I was doing a bit of surfing from my new server (see my previous post) and I happened to check out South Park Studios for an list of current South Park episodes, and I got this tasteful tidbit for my trouble: Now that is some funny shit. It’s good to see that South Park Studios really is designed in the same spirit as the show it showcases. That gave me a good laugh for the day....

March 22, 2008 · 1 min · Jay Little