Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
Title When[D] What Actions
RIP Free Market 2008/11/24 8:35 AM
So this weekend brings news that our wonderful government is planning on bailing out yet another bank . Really? I guess the fact that this tactic failed the first half dozen times or so doesn't mean it won't work this time around, right? Oh but wait de
Rack em, Stack em, Watch em fall 2008/9/30 4:55 AM
Today the US Congress rejected the Financial Bailout Plan as put forward by the Bush Administration . While they are vowing to restructure the bill and get another vote going when they return from recess later in the week, I believe the idea has summaril
Presentation Engine 3.5 Beta 1 available 2008/7/10 5:00 AM
As indicated in the title, the next version of the Presentation Engine application that powers this site has been released for download. The download version is Beta 1. While I was planning on not offering a public download until Beta 2, not enough chan
This site is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! 2008/5/23 10:51 PM
When I rewrote the Presentation Engine from scratch, it never even occurred to me validate it using the w3 validation tools available online. Then while chatting on a forum today, the thought suddenly occurred to me. So I initially ran the site through t
You Suck at Photoshop 2008/4/5 4:55 PM
So ever since Tuesday, I've had some rough stomach problems. I'll spare you the sloppy details, suffice to say that I've been spending most of this week at home trying to work my way through it all. Sometime in the last few days, I found a wonderful vid
Get Flash You Stupid Hippie 2008/3/22 7:30 PM
So I was doing a bit of surfing from my new server (see my previous post) and I happened to check out South Park Studios for an list of current South Park episodes, and I got this tasteful tidbit for my trouble: Now that is some funny shit. It's good t
So long and thanks for all the processor cycles! 2008/3/20 4:02 PM
So it has finally happened. What you say? My old server that I was using for everything here at home, has finally been replaced. No it didn't break or fail in some way. After 5 years of good dedicated service (4.5 of which were trouble free), it was j
Presentation Engine 3.5 Beta 1 2008/3/8 7:34 AM
Wow. It has been a number of years since I have even made an attempt to update the code for this website. Although I don't have a regular set of readers or anything, I still like to use this site as a demonstration of the fact that I can code in hopes th
Tivo HD + Charter Cable = Suckage 2008/2/1 10:12 AM
Let's start this post with a bit of background information: For starters, in late 2006, I purchased a Tivo Series 2 DVR and replaced my Cable Company's PVR with it. Since it was a Series 2 DVR, I was no longer able to receive digital or HD cable station
An unexpected cache of stimpacks 2008/1/9 6:11 PM
So it seems that I'm not the only retro-gamer out there wishing for more of the good old days of gaming. One of my all time favorite RPG series, Fallout is typically revered as a pinnacle of the CRPG experience. That having been said, it appears that an
Gaming 2008/1/6 9:15 PM
So of course I'm still gaming. Pretty decently too. Over the last year I managed to snag a Wii. The Wii is a pretty cool piece of equipment. However my mainline gaming interest has stayed with RPG gaming. Over the course of the last year I've played
Here today, a forgotten Vista’ tomorrow 2007/2/24 12:45 PM
Yeah it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy. I just finished spending a full month with the newly released Windows Vista and boy do I have quite a bit to say about it. To put a long story short, I’m now using Windows XP once again. As most of you imaginary r
Dead but not dying, Gone but not leaving. 2006/9/23 1:36 AM
That title pretty much sums up the state of my website, does it not? I still keep an eye on it and obviously I have secured some form of hosting for it since moving into my first home, though I have yet to actually do anything with it. I guess it takes
Various bits and bytes 2006/5/24 7:40 AM
I finally bought a house. Yeah I did it. Well I am going to do it. We will close on the house a week from today and begin moving in the following day. To say that my wife and I are excited is an understatement at best. That having been said, I have de
A Door to Door Con Gone Wrong 2005/8/13 8:43 AM
The wife and I went through a scary yet thought provoking experience earlier this evening. This email I sent to the prepetrator's company, Chapel Sales Inc ought to explain it: To whom it does concern, I am writing this email in an effort to relay an exp
Honeymoons and all that stuff. 2004/12/2 7:13 PM
As some of you may know... Annette and I never actually got to go on a honeymoon when we got married. However one of our larger wedding presents was the promise of funding for such a venture should we ever find the time to do it. Well... okay maybe find
Presentation Engine 3.1 pushed back 2004/10/3 7:25 PM
That didn't take long did it? Yes I have pushed back the release of the 3.1 version of the Presentation Engine due to some major internal changes that I have decided to recently make to the ASP.NET version of the Engine. Essentially to sum up the change
Presentation Engine 3.1 is slated for release soon 2004/9/16 1:16 AM
I have finally gotten the time to sit down and clean up some of the messier portions of the Presentation Engine 3.1 BETA code. In addition to cleaning things up, eliminating bloat and improving some of the admin interfaces - I have added yet another new
Presentation Engine 3.1 BETA 2 released! 2004/6/7 9:49 PM
After some more changes I have finally decided to release a new version of the code. Some major internal improvements have been made and another script has been added that will convert your old settings.asp file into the new format. This version also ma
Presentation Engine 3.1 Beta 2 on the way! 2004/6/5 6:34 AM
I've just finished completing the first phase of a number of reworks involving the current beta version of the code for the Presentation Engine. First off a number of bugs which appeared in the 3.1 BETA have been fixed. These bugs were mostly constraine
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