Jay Little
Lots of times on my hands to play with.... CDE?!?!
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01/16/2004 21:54:21

A friend of mine Bruce who works at Cornell University in New York - just gave me one of their own DEC Alphastation 250 4/266 boxes to play with. This machine was originally built in 1993 and believe it or not it still manages to work after 11 years. After futzing around for a bit - I finally got the thing to boot. Hell I even managed to login into it (only after cracking the root password though). After logging in through xdm a singular thought has begun to grace my mind:

CDE Sucks.

I realize I'm not the first one to come to this realization - but I'm positive I won't be the last. I just thought I would share my newfound bit of wisdom with my readers here because despite how common this "revelation" is - it's certainly new and fresh coming from me, right?


P.S. Maybe not.

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