Road to Acceptance: Anger Versus Apathy

So I’ve been spending a lot of time in the midst of a situation that leaves me feeling very angry. Today I got more angry than usual and since that is becoming a more common occurrence I thought it might behoove me to delve into why. I’m going to start off explaining why I am angry. The core issue is that I am expected to accomplish a task that is by all rights impossible to accomplish....

April 18, 2018 · 3 min · Jay Little

Check and Mate

So in an effort to diversify my hobbies a bit I’ve recently decided to spend some time getting to know Chess a bit better. While I have casually played Chess all of my life, the reality is that outside of knowing how the pieces move and the conditions under which a game is completed, I didn’t know much else. While this might come as a shock since I was part of the Chess Club throughout high school, the harsh reality is that there were no clubs oriented towards my primary interest (any and all things computer related)....

April 15, 2018 · 3 min · Jay Little

Oh Green Fairy, Where Art Thou?

This week we are taking a break from our regularly scheduled tech related posts/rants to delve into a subject that is near and dear to my heart: Absinthe. Anybody who knows me, knows I like to indulge myself with a snort of liquor now and again. Though I tend to stick mostly to whiskey (all kinds, no whiskey is beneath me), I do enjoy other things as well. Chief among that group is a little thing known as absinthe....

April 6, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

When and Why I Leave

Anybody who has ever bothered to read my resume has probably thought to themselves: “This guy sure likes to switch jobs.” Well I can’t fault them for making that observation as it is at least half true. While I do switch jobs fairly often, the painful truth is that I don’t like doing it. Interviewing as a developer is an intensely painful process rife with reciting answers obtained via rote memorization and concocting inventive answers to cute but ultimately pointless logic problems....

March 29, 2018 · 3 min · Jay Little

Agile is Good and Scrum is Dumb

One of the most disturbing trends I have seen over the last few years is the interchangeability of the terms Agile and Scrum. Most people believe that Scrum is a form of Agile. A lot of employers will advertise that they use Agile when in fact they actually use Scrum. If this doesn’t infuriate you, it likely means that you have no idea what Agile actually is, so keep reading....

March 23, 2018 · 5 min · Jay Little

Fact: Every Tech Related Disaster Is Man-Made

Yesterday at work I was finishing off an extremely productive week. After spending the previous week on a spike, everything was really starting to come together for the feature I’m building. It was a good day. But then during a team demo somebody made a comment that turned things a bit sour for me. Later on I ranted about this during sprint planning. While the ultimate end result wasn’t a big deal, I mulled it over in an attempt to determine why any of this ticked me off to begin with....

March 17, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

Things I Don't Miss About Windows: Updates

So I’m going to start off this post by being extremely blunt: I don’t like Windows. In fact when it comes to Operating Systems (aka OSes), I consider virtually any other OS a superior choice. The only exception is situations in which some piece of critically required and irreplacable software mandates that you must use Windows. Despite these feelings and the fact that my house contains only two Windows machines, only one of which belongs to me (the other belongs to my current employer), I spent quite a few hours mucking about in Windows this past weekend....

March 12, 2018 · 5 min · Jay Little

Veni, Vidi... not so much Vici

I’ve been doing a lot thinking regarding the overall state of my trade. Of course that should be obvious to anybody who follows my posts. Much of it has been a deep dive into what can only be described as a creeping depression regarding the state of the trade from my viewpoint. Much of it is birthed by the sum of my experiences over the last two decades. Some might even go so far as to speculate that this constitutes the beginning of a mid-life crisis....

March 5, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

Low Standards in Software tend to go Viral

So here is something that has been on my mind as of late: The plague of shitty software. My goodness, there really is a lot of it floating around nowadays. That’s not what I’m really concerned about though. What concerns me is that our ability to accept shitty software leads us to create even more shitty software. I am not talking about end users here. I am talking about software developers....

February 26, 2018 · 4 min · Jay Little

Code Mode: A True Developers Drug of Choice

This week I wanted to chat about a syndrome that I have experienced a few times over the years as both an amateur and a professional developer. What syndrome am I referring to? One of my favorites: The syndrome of “Code Mode”. What is “Code Mode”? The term refers to the scenario in which you planned on accomplishing X number of things in a given coding session and end up accomplishing X^2 instead largely due to bursts of sustained inspiration and abnormally long periods of consistent lucidity....

February 19, 2018 · 3 min · Jay Little