Bah Humbug: Keeping it Real on Christmas

So here I am sitting in an AirBnb on Christmas Eve in North Augusta on my laptop while Annette is watches Wheel of Fortune as she likes to do on weeknights. Inside I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for a full day of Christmas related events and visits with various in-laws tomorrow and thought to myself, “This would be a great time to spew out a new blog post.” Dare I say that your opinion on that may clash with mine after you finish reading what I have to say....

December 24, 2019 · 6 min · Jay Little

Why I Can't STFU And Just Code A Solution To Your Problems

So over the years I’ve had a number of people tell me that I tend to focus on the negative aspects rather than the positive aspects of situations. This feedback has been relayed to me on both professional and personal levels. Let me tell you: That this is absolutely the case. However I don’t see it as a failing so much as an asset. The purpose of today’s post is to both delve into why I feel this way and why clients, co-workers and compatriots feel the way they do....

December 12, 2019 · 7 min · Jay Little

Paradise Reclaimed: Retro Gaming, FPGAs and the MiSTer

So in light of the exceptionally serious posts that have graced the front page of this site over the last month I have decided to do something a little different today. Consider this my official attempt to remind you all that I am actually capable of doing something other than bitching about the behavior of corporations and people. The topic of conversation today will be the MiSTer and why I’m absolutely enthralled with it....

November 16, 2019 · 6 min · Jay Little

The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 3

This post marks the third in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven’t read the first or second posts yet, I highly recommend that you click here and then click here. Give them both at least a quick skim before reading this one as they contain important background information that is required to appreciate this one. After mulling over everything I had seen along with what my source had shared with me, I decided that I had a moral duty to spread the word as far and as wide as possible while protecting the identity of my source as best as I could....

October 26, 2019 · 9 min · Jay Little

The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 2

This post marks the second in my series about the sad saga of Purism and the Librem 5. If you haven’t read the first post yet, I highly recommend that you click here. Give it at least a good skim before reading this one as it contains important background information that is required to appreciate this one. Sometime in the midst of the Aspen shipping window I began to casually express skepticism on the Purism subreddit....

October 25, 2019 · 8 min · Jay Little

The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 1

Today I’m going to tell you a sad tale of a device called the Librem 5 and the company behind it, Purism. As of right now, this story does not have a happy ending. I am writing this series of articles as a protest against the behavior of Purism, a company which claims that transparency and openness are their core values. If they won’t tell the world the truth about the Librem 5, then I’m willing to at least give it a go....

October 23, 2019 · 9 min · Jay Little

The Modern Web Is A Quagmire, So I Embraced NoScript

If you are a regular visitor, you know that I normally I update my site with new content on a monthly basis. However the events of the last 24 hours have compelled me to break with tradition and reach out to the wider world as soon as possible. I already hear you asking, “What happened Jay?” Well the modern web happened, that’s what. Since I’m a web developer you are probably operating under the assumption that I’m acquainted with the modern web and it’s basic rules more-so than most....

August 21, 2019 · 7 min · Jay Little

The Cloud, The Indoctrinated and Their Shared Folly

Over the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time speaking to the dangers of our current blind obsession with the cloud and all it has to offer. Professionally I’ve experienced life on both sides of the fence: I’ve seen this problem from the perspective of the cloud provider and from the perspective of the consumer. In both cases I have arrived at the same conclusion: We’ve got a rough road ahead of us....

August 15, 2019 · 5 min · Jay Little

My Modern Gaming Escape Plan

Most who know me have at some time or another heard me profess my love for Retro and Indie gaming. At the heart of this love however is a growing and increasingly cancerous disdain for modern gaming that I have finally decided to no longer ignore. Now I realize this is going to shock some people, especially as I have a rather embarrassingly large Steam library (as of today it contains 943 games)....

July 16, 2019 · 5 min · Jay Little

Why I Push Back

A number of people I know have asked me why I feel so strongly about particular tech issues that I feel compelled to take action. A number of those people have also informed me that my practice of maintaining a ban list of companies and products that I refuse to patron is objectionable to them. They don’t always say it directly, but once you get used to hearing it implied, it becomes easy enough to recognize it....

June 20, 2019 · 5 min · Jay Little