ChatGPT: Far More Hype Than Substance

Much text has been written in recent weeks on the topic of the ChatGPT chat bot, its forthcoming integration into Bing and how it will change the world as we know it. While the commentary has run the entire gamut of possible responses, most of it is definitely more hype based than anything else. Today the hype dies. So lets start off with the most basic question. What is ChatGPT? Well as it so happens, ChatGPT is capable of furnishing us with a perfectly acceptable answer (LOG-TXT{target=’_blank’} / LOG-PNG{target=’_blank’}):...

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · Jay Little

MacOS is the Worst Part of Apple Silicon

I recently took a new job and my new employer gave me a choice between a Lenovo Thinkpad with Windows and an M1 Macbook Pro with MacOS. Even my least dedicated readers know that I have no love for Windows and have spent literal years trying to rid myself of it. So of course I chose the Macbook Pro. Well dear readers, I’m going to be blunt: I wish I hadn’t....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · Jay Little

Pop Goes the Gaslighting Weasel

I’ve spent a lot of time debating on whether or not I should even write this blog post. Truth is that I was this close to just letting the entire thing fade into oblivion but after searching out some reading material on the subject, I decided that I needed to write about this, if only to remind future Jay what he just escaped from. Future Jay has a tendency to forget important things like that....

December 28, 2022 · 6 min · Jay Little

A Farewell to Arms

There is no great way to put this without a certain segment of my readers recoiling in horror, so I’m just going to say it. I’m tired of fighting for things on the job. After over 20 years of professionally being combative when I thought the situation called for it, I have resolved to turn over a new leaf. If you’ve worked with me, you know how it can be at times....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · Jay Little

Two Jobs, One Life: Nothing Is Forever

To those who don’t already know: I will be starting a new job next week. This is notable for one reason above all others: It marks my return to a much more normal situation. You see, for the last four and a half years I have actually had two jobs with two different employers. One of the conditions of the arrangement with one of my employers was that I had to largely keep this a secret from my coworkers there....

October 20, 2022 · 7 min · Jay Little

The Siren Song of Set It and Forget It

The point of today’s post, or diatribe if you prefer, is to push back against the notion that once you have a piece of tech integrated into a workflow, you are pretty much good to go barring any sort of critical failure. Sadly a lot of people believe this. However since the first rule of the “Set It and Forget It” club is that you don’t talk about said club, you rarely hear much about it....

September 28, 2022 · 4 min · Jay Little

All Hail the Tech Magicians and their Cantrips

Before I launch into this month’s diatribe I want to offer my readers a word of warning: I’ve been feeling very pessimistic about tech in general as of late and this piece will expose a large portion of that to my audience. If you are already depressed about tech, you might wanna skip this one. In any event, I have been fond of occasionally awarding various industries / institutions with the label: The new “priesthood” of society....

September 7, 2022 · 5 min · Jay Little

Hasta La Vista Android

Well two and a half weeks ago I finally put on my big boy pants and took Annette down to the local Apple Store… and bought two iPhones. That decision came about because of years of accumulated frustration with Android, Google and Android OEMs. If you want my overall opinion on the iPhone experience, here it is: It works like it should. Which is a back handed way of saying that the wide variety of Android phones I have used over the years haven’t worked that way....

August 3, 2022 · 7 min · Jay Little

Proof of Life: I Still Have Something to Say

So its been a few months since I have posted anything here and the reason why is simple: I just haven’t been feeling all that chatty lately. Now you might be thinking, “Has Jay finally run out of tech things to talk about?” and let me assure you: This is absolutely not the case. It is the case however that despite all of the tech things that I’m embroiled in right now, real life is forcing that to mostly take a back seat at least when it comes to spending the time crafting some long winded diatribe about said tech things....

June 22, 2022 · 7 min · Jay Little

Pop! Goes the Distro And Fiber Internet For The Win

Some weeks it sure seems like things are always changing, doesn’t it? Well these past few weeks have definitely felt that way for me. Just when I think things in my tech landscape are solidifying to the point where I won’t have any more material for tech related blog posts here, lo and behold the universe delivers some. So last week I decided, in a huff mind you, to dump Pop!...

April 26, 2022 · 7 min · Jay Little