TrueType Fonts and Linux

Well I just finished spending the last hour getting decent font support set up on my Linux box. Having been recently inspired by a thread on Arstechnica detailing how to set up nice looking fonts in Linux (Redhat 7.3 uses the crappiest ones by default) - I decided to waste a little time and go at it. Needless to say, I was successful :-) The irony is that I’m unable to see the effects on my own site because the default neowin theme uses Helvetica and that font doesn’t appear to have been “upgraded” in its appearance....

June 10, 2002 · 1 min · Jay Little

Into the depths of Linux

Well over the last few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to install and really attempt to get in depth with Linux. Though I’ve been using it on and off for years - I’ve never dedicated an entire machine to it. I must say its been quite an interesting adventure thus far. While Linux can be difficult to configure and requires a major time investment - it has quickly become clear that its amazing what you can download for free....

April 24, 2002 · 1 min · Jay Little

The Patriots win the Superbowl - By Erik Jeffreys

Yes the patriots have won the superbowl despite everybody thinking otherwise. In fact I was so sure that this wouldn’t happen - I made a bet with a work friend of mine. The bet was that if the Patriots won - we could post something to my site. Well it appears that something quite hot froze over and that they did - so here is Erik’s message to the world:...

February 4, 2002 · 2 min · Jay Little

Linux Bugs

So last night I made a decision regarding the future of Linux on my new computer. It wasnt an easy decision but it was one that had to be made considering the circumstances. I’m done playing with Linux for the time being. None of the latest distributions seems to feature full support for my exotic i850 P4/RDRAM system configuration even though its getting to be about a year old now. (The Config - not the machine)...

October 30, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

The Mozilla MSN Mystery

Well well well… on the day that Microsoft releases XP it seems that they have also released the ‘updated’ version of MSN. It seems that this new version of MSN refuses to function correctly with non Microsoft browsers. After playing with this problem for a bit - I finally figured out how to modify the user agent in mozilla so that it would look as Internet Explorer to MSN. You can see the comparison between MSN on Mozilla 9....

October 26, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

Digital Cable

So my roommate Lewis and I got our new Digital Cable service hooked up yesterday. For $100/month we get the cable modem service along with the expanded Digital Cable service. Its really a great deal. There are hundreds of channels and loads of stuff to watch. In fact if you are not careful you’ll spend more time looking for stuff to watch than actually watching it. There are lots of movie channels too....

October 18, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

Email Address Changeover

Alright - I’ve finally begun to undertake the “enormous” task of changing my email address from to Needless to say - I’ve only just begun to realize just how much of a hassle this will be. But hopefully I can make things a little easier on myself by asking anybody who reads this item to change my email address to the (assuming anybody actually cares :-) Thanks alot,...

October 17, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

Thats right guys! My favorite domain just opened up for registration and I snagged it right up! No more stupid @home IP address, no more weird port numbers, and no more slow upload speed caps imposed by my friends on at @home! This will also help my resume to look a little better of course. Now that my site looks somewhat professional because I have a domain name instead of some half baked scheme using a crappy old computer, an unstable IP address, and an alternate port :-)...

October 11, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

GE and Pentium 4s

Yeppo - everything with GE worked out fine. My contract has been renewed (with the other Agency) and things are looking good in that respect. I built a new Pentium 4 based box a few weeks ago. The specs of it are 1.7 ghz P4/640 MB RDRAM/70 gigs/Geforce3. Its definitely a sweet little box. Surprisingly some of the biggest performance increase came through the Seti@Home program. On the P3 1ghz box, it would normally take me 8 to 9 nine hours to complete a given work unit....

October 4, 2001 · 1 min · Jay Little

WilL WRiTe COdE fOR fOod

Well it looks like things are coming to a head with my job situation. As some of you probably know, I currently work as a contractor for GE Power Systems doing web development work. My contract was originally for a time period of six months - needless to say I will have been working there a year come September 20th. The problem is that GE has a 1 year limitation when it comes to contractors under their “employ”....

September 10, 2001 · 3 min · Jay Little