Jay Little the world's #1 stud got hitched.

Okay well maybe I wasn’t rated number one - but I was pretty darn close - let me tell you. Anyway as most of you likely already know, Annette and I got married yesterday on April 11th, 2004. I’ve written a little piece on the wedding and provided some photographs for the enjoyment of my audience. I’ve also uploaded a copy of the vows Annette and I wrote for ourselves in case anybody is interested....

April 12, 2004 · 1 min · Jay Little

I'm getting married today - w00t!

Thats right. Today is my wedding day. Annette and I decided to get married earlier this week and thanks in a large part to my family we have a nice little ceremony planned for today. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me - so hopefully this is the beginning of an upswing for me (and my site of course). Anyway we aren’t really going on a honeymoon per se due to money related issues....

April 11, 2004 · 1 min · Jay Little

Lots of times on my hands to play with.... CDE?!?!

A friend of mine Bruce who works at Cornell University in New York - just gave me one of their own DEC Alphastation 250 4/266 boxes to play with. This machine was originally built in 1993 and believe it or not it still manages to work after 11 years. After futzing around for a bit - I finally got the thing to boot. Hell I even managed to login into it (only after cracking the root password though)....

January 16, 2004 · 1 min · Jay Little

A sign of a true geek: Major Uptime

There is a lot of stuff that geeks care about that don’t really interest the rest of the populace. Somewhere within that laundry list of topics is one entitled, “Major Uptime”. Most people turn off their computers every night. Most geeks do not. Why? Simply put - there is some sort of odd geek pride associated with being able to operate a computer stably for a long a period of time....

October 20, 2003 · 2 min · Jay Little

Feline Diabetes for one please. Ching! Ching!

I recently became aware of a rather startling fact that most people are likely not aware of. Felines (Cats for the laymen fools among you) can get diabetes. How did I find this out you ask…. Well I came home from work about two weeks ago to find my fav cat Tommy hiding behind the couch. He wouldn’t even crawl out for this food call (which if you’ve seen the size of this cat - isn’t normal)....

June 26, 2003 · 2 min · Jay Little

Dual Xeon Goodness

Well after months of planning and years of dreaming it has finally happened… I have built the dream machine. It cost $3000+ dollars but it is finally here. Yes it is an SMP box and as you may have guessed based on the title - it uses Xeon processors. Here are the raw specs: 2x 2.6ghz Xeons 1024mb PC800 RDRAM 70 gigs harddrive capacity ATI Radeon 9700 Pro Memorex DVD+RW 2....

February 18, 2003 · 2 min · Jay Little

The March of Gentoo continues...

As some of my loyal readers (whom I could probably count on a single hand) may remember - I switched my Linux box over to Gentoo a few months back. I was so enthralled over Gentoo that I decided to actually make a post on my site here about how it was literally the “second coming of christ”. Well okay maybe I am exaggerating… Anyway like grains of sand through the hourglass the saga of Gentoo continues....

January 15, 2003 · 2 min · Jay Little

Gentoo Linux is da Bomb

Well I’ve finally concluded my latest round of Linux upgrades. I originally planned on migrating my Linux box to RH Linux 8 but apparent kernel related incompatibilities prevented me from doing so. So in my desperation I decided to give good ole Gentoo Linux a shot. For those of you who don’t know - Gentoo is a highly customizable version of Linux that (1) requires you to install the system manually and (2) requires you to compile the system software and libraries from scratch....

October 27, 2002 · 1 min · Jay Little

Erik's New Face - Is it really all that new?

In true journalistic style I have gone to great lengths to acquire further photographic evidence regarding the appearance of Erik Jeffries in his youth. In a world wide exclusive here are the fake and real photographs being placed on display side by side for your viewing pleasure. Now lets be honest - can you tell the difference between these two hunks? I sure cant. Are you getting hot and bothered yet?...

August 3, 2002 · 1 min · Jay Little

Anybody Remember Erik?

So does anybody remember Erik Jeffries, the lucky guy who got to post a story on my site because of some stupid superbowl bet that he won? His Story Anyway it seems that some member of his family managed to obtain a picture which resembles what he looked like in his early twenties. Since I’m such a “good friend” of the family I thought I would share it with the world:...

July 17, 2002 · 1 min · Jay Little