So long and thanks for all the processor cycles!

So it has finally happened. What you say? My old server that I was using for everything here at home, has finally been replaced. No it didn’t break or fail in some way. After 5 years of good dedicated service (4.5 of which were trouble free), it was just time to move on to another box. Of course this had nothing to do with the fact that for this old Dual P4-Class Xeon box, upgrading the RAM from one gig to at least two gigs would cost me at least a thousand dollars....

March 20, 2008 · 5 min · Jay Little

Tivo HD + Charter Cable = Suckage

Let’s start this post with a bit of background information: For starters, in late 2006, I purchased a Tivo Series 2 DVR and replaced my Cable Company’s PVR with it. Since it was a Series 2 DVR, I was no longer able to receive digital or HD cable stations, but that was okay because at the time having a PVR that actually worked correctly consistently (yes Moxi I am looking at you) was more important than high definition....

February 1, 2008 · 5 min · Jay Little

An unexpected cache of stimpacks

So it seems that I’m not the only retro-gamer out there wishing for more of the good old days of gaming. One of my all time favorite RPG series, Fallout is typically revered as a pinnacle of the CRPG experience. That having been said, it appears that an enterprising soul has taken it upon himself to add missing content that the devs cut and make a number of other mods to Fallout 2 and release them for public consumption:...

January 9, 2008 · 2 min · Jay Little


So of course I’m still gaming. Pretty decently too. Over the last year I managed to snag a Wii. The Wii is a pretty cool piece of equipment. However my mainline gaming interest has stayed with RPG gaming. Over the course of the last year I’ve played and beaten a number of games (some not for the first time either) such as all three Gothic games, Baldur’s Gate 1 (still working up to actually playing through 2), Neverwinter Nights 1 (almost finished but dropped at the end), Oblivion (Morrowind was better), KOTOR 2 (which was great until the last 4th of the game) as well as a number of other classics like Chrono Trigger....

January 6, 2008 · 3 min · Jay Little

Here today, a forgotten Vista’ tomorrow

Yeah it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy. I just finished spending a full month with the newly released Windows Vista and boy do I have quite a bit to say about it. To put a long story short, I’m now using Windows XP once again. As most of you imaginary readers know, Vista is in and of itself a culmination of over five years of effort on the part of Microsoft to follow up on their previous consumer OS release, Windows XP....

February 24, 2007 · 16 min · Jay Little

Dead but not dying, Gone but not leaving.

That title pretty much sums up the state of my website, does it not? I still keep an eye on it and obviously I have secured some form of hosting for it since moving into my first home, though I have yet to actually do anything with it. I guess it takes two ingredients to keep a site going: Hosting and somebody producing some sort of content. As you can imagine, I have been quite busy....

September 22, 2006 · 4 min · Jay Little

Various bits and bytes

I finally bought a house. Yeah I did it. Well I am going to do it. We will close on the house a week from today and begin moving in the following day. To say that my wife and I are excited is an understatement at best. That having been said, I have decided that I will likely close down this site for awhile. My life has become cluttered and as a result, many portions of it remain unkept like an old closet that is never opened....

May 24, 2006 · 1 min · Jay Little

A moment of comtemplation regarding my experience as an Apple ibook owner

I have finally decided that I will no longer purchase any Apple products from this point forward due to the continuing issues that I have experienced with my iBook over the last three years. I sent this email out earlier today to the address that is rumored to be monitored by a merry band of assistants working to seperate the garbage from the garbage for Mr. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc....

September 1, 2005 · 6 min · Jay Little

A Door to Door Con Gone Wrong

The wife and I went through a scary yet thought provoking experience earlier this evening. This email I sent to the perpetrator’s company, Chapel Sales Inc ought to explain it: To whom it does concern, I am writing this email in an effort to relay an experience I had with one of your representatives earlier this evening. Earlier this evening at around 7:30 PM EST, one of your representatives who identified himself as Clemson Cockfield knocked on the door of our residence....

August 13, 2005 · 6 min · Jay Little

Honeymoons and all that stuff.

As some of you may know… Annette and I never actually got to go on a honeymoon when we got married. However one of our larger wedding presents was the promise of funding for such a venture should we ever find the time to do it. Well… okay maybe finding the time is the wrong way to put it. You see both Annette and I were “unemployed” when we got married and as such we didn’t want to take the chance that we might spend additional money that we didn’t have on something that seemed purely optional at the time....

December 2, 2004 · 7 min · Jay Little