Pouring One Out for my Homie - RIP Presentation Engine

Well after nearly 23 years of largely uninterrupted and admirable service, the time has come to officially retire the custom Content Management System that has powered it all: Presentation Engine. I originally created and deployed the first version of PEngine back in late 2001 when I first created this blog before I registered the domain name in October of 2001. Back then it was nothing more than a shoddily put together classic ASP application with an Access DB driving it that I threw together in a hurry....

August 4, 2024 · 5 min · Jay Little

The Court of Fossalot - SouthEast LinuxFest 2024

So it’s that time of year and I spent last weekend at SouthEast LinuxFest (SELF) 2024 in Charlotte, NC. This was my second year of attending and it absolutely lived up to the lofty expectations set by my first trip last year. This year was less about the sessions for me and more about the people. Which is interesting to say because if I’m being honest about my visit last year, it was also similar....

June 14, 2024 · 7 min · Jay Little

A Change in Direction

As some of you may have noticed, I have been rather quiet over the last few months. There are a lot of reasons for my silence. The more observant among you may have even noticed that content has disappeared and reappeared from this site several times over the same time period. Long story short: The nature of this site and how and when I use it to express myself is changing....

April 6, 2024 · 4 min · Jay Little

Tying Up Tech Loose Ends : 2023 Edition

So as most of you know, I tend to take the last few weeks of every year off. Primarily I use this time to celebrate the year and reflect on its events. I also use this time to tie up any tech loose ends that I have… and boy did I have a few this year. My biggest piece of in-home tech debt was definitely my camera system. For years I have run a hodge podge front door camera which basically amounted to an indoor web cam mounted in my front window which was pointed at the foot door area of the porch....

December 29, 2023 · 9 min · Jay Little

The Joy Of Being Alive

Yesterday I almost died. At least I came as close to dying as I have ever come over the course of my life. I hadn’t been feeling well since Monday morning. I was experiencing quite a bit of abdominal pain and bloating. It only got worse as time progressed on Monday and that evening I just wasn’t able to sleep. No matter what position I got in, I just couldn’t get to sleep due to the aches and pains....

November 15, 2023 · 4 min · Jay Little

Linux Laptop Letdown: When OEM Largesse Runs Dry

Today’s post is about a subject near and dear to my heart: Laptops with Linux preinstalled. Sadly this is not a happy post, but rather one in which I share my recent angst about the state of Linux Laptop hardware and how I have maneuvered myself into a very neglected corner. So as regular readers know, I have largely only purchased laptops with Linux preinstalled for quite a few years. This is because as a person living within a capitalistic society, I am ethically compelled to vote with my dollar as it is the only vote I have which actually seems to matter....

October 17, 2023 · 7 min · Jay Little

Penguin's Side Piece: How and Why I Became a Part Time Apple Fanboi

While most of my readers probably think of me as being some kind of massive die hard Linux loving Penguin, the reality is that outside of servers, laptops and desktops I don’t use Linux very much. The purpose of today’s post is to detail the reasons and the journey of how I have basically become an Apple Fanboi nearly everywhere else. Let’s start with a disclaimer: If you want to email me or send me a message on Mastodon telling me how stupid I am for trusting Apple, well, okay....

September 26, 2023 · 9 min · Jay Little

Unity Killed Modern Proprietary Gaming For Me

As some of you undoubtedly have heard Unity, the company behind one of the most prolific game engines of our time called Unity Engine, recently announced some changes to their pricing. On the surface this may sound like quite a big nothing burger if you aren’t familiar with the process of how software is made, let me assure you: This announcement is rocking the entire gaming world. Note: This post is a follow-up to my 2019 post “My Modern Gaming Escape Plan”....

September 15, 2023 · 8 min · Jay Little

Echo Chamber Exodus: Bye Bye Bluesky

As regular readers know, I have long questioned the value of social media and I have struggled with the question of how involved I should be with it. This morning I decided to quit Bluesky permanently because the bulk of the community there seems hellbent on ostracizing and ejecting anybody who doesn’t fully subscribe to their specific brand of group think. I wish there was a kinder way to put it....

July 22, 2023 · 7 min · Jay Little

Tech Team Dead Weight a.k.a. Lutz

If you’ve worked in tech and have any degree of actual talent, you have run into the following scenario: You are on a team and that team has at least one member that isn’t pulling their weight. The reasons why generally range from a lack of work ethic to a lack of talent. Regardless that person can’t seem to get themselves fired. Why is that? UPDATE 8/9/2023: Lutz, in this particular case, has now been fired....

July 20, 2023 · 7 min · Jay Little