Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Linux Laptop Letdown: When OEM Largesse Runs Dry 2023/10/17 10:49 PM
Today's post is about a subject near and dear to my heart: Laptops with Linux preinstalled. Sadly this is not a happy post, but rather one in which I share my recent angst about the state of Linux Laptop hardware and how I have maneuvered myself into a v
The Joy Of Being Alive 2023/11/15 8:47 PM
Yesterday I almost died. At least I came as close to dying as I have ever come over the course of my life. I hadn't been feeling well since Monday morning. I was experiencing quite a bit of abdominal pain and bloating. It only got worse as time progre
Tying Up Tech Loose Ends : 2023 Edition 2023/12/29 12:04 PM
So as most of you know, I tend to take the last few weeks of every year off. Primarily I use this time to celebrate the year and reflect on its events. I also use this time to tie up any tech loose ends that I have... and boy did I have a few this year.
A Change in Direction 2024/4/6 7:29 PM
As some of you may have noticed, I have been rather quiet over the last few months. There are a lot of reasons for my silence. The more observant among you may have even noticed that content has disappeared and reappeared from this site several times ov
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