Jay Little
Jay Little - Previous Posts
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Presentation Engine 3.1-BETA Source Available for download! 2004/5/26 6:31 PM
Do you want to get a preview of my ASP.NET coding skills? Do you want to see if I got what it takes for a position writing marvelous applications in .NET/ASP.NET? Well wonder no longer as I've just finished uploading the .NET source code for the BETA ve
Presentation Engine 3.1 is now in testing 2004/5/25 10:34 PM
Well the time of reckoning is finally here. While not 100% complete - I've uploaded the cutting edge ASP.NET version of the Presentation Engine codebase to the site for testing. Right now this code is very very raw and while most of the "memory lea
Presentation Engine 3.? is on the way! 2004/5/21 10:19 PM
You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. Over the last week I've been putting the blood, sweat and tears into a new version of the Presentation Engine. There is however something a bit different about this release.... Presentation Engine has gone
Jay Little the world's #1 stud got hitched. 2004/4/12 10:20 PM
Okay well maybe I wasn't rated number one - but I was pretty darn close - let me tell you. Anyway as most of you likely already know, Annette and I got married yesterday on April 11th, 2004. I've written a little piece on the wedding and provided some p
I'm getting married today - w00t! 2004/4/11 4:14 PM
Thats right. Today is my wedding day. Annette and I decided to get married earlier this week and thanks in a large part to my family we have a nice little ceremony planned for today. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me - so hopefully th
Lots of times on my hands to play with.... CDE?!?! 2004/1/16 9:54 PM
A friend of mine Bruce who works at Cornell University in New York - just gave me one of their own DEC Alphastation 250 4/266 boxes to play with. This machine was originally built in 1993 and believe it or not it still manages to work after 11 years. Af
Presentation Engine 3.0 Released 2003/11/12 10:30 PM
I just realized that this is 100th news posting that I have made to this site after starting it over two years ago. So it seems appropriate that after a year of brainstorming, coding, debugging and toying the release day for Presentation Engine 3.0 has f
A sign of a true geek: Major Uptime 2003/10/20 12:53 PM
There is a lot of stuff that geeks care about that don't really interest the rest of the populace. Somewhere within that laundry list of topics is one entitled, "Major Uptime". Most people turn off their computers every night. Most geeks do n
Betting open for Presentation Engine release.... 2003/6/30 5:51 PM
Another week goes by and.... errrr... ummmm... the updated version of the Presentation Engine has yet to be released. Even though I know better, I like pretending that people out there actually care whether or not I release the engine driving this site.
Feline Diabetes for one please. Ching! Ching! 2003/6/26 7:19 AM
I recently became aware of a rather startling fact that most people are likely not aware of. Felines (Cats for the laymen fools among you) can get diabetes. How did I find this out you ask.... Well I came home from work about two weeks ago to find my fa
Presentation Engine: Another week another update 2003/6/16 10:37 PM
If you've been paying attention, you've probably noticed that a few backend changes have been taking place here at the site. Most notably the Presentation Engine has received a lot of backend revamping. While these changes are still in beta and not offi
Dual Xeon Goodness 2003/2/18 11:08 AM
Well after months of planning and years of dreaming it has finally happened... I have built the dream machine. It cost $3000+ dollars but it is finally here. Yes it is an SMP box and as you may have guessed based on the title - it uses Xeon processors.
The March of Gentoo continues... 2003/1/15 7:41 PM
As some of my loyal readers (whom I could probably count on a single hand) may remember - I switched my Linux box over to Gentoo a few months back. I was so enthralled over Gentoo that I decided to actually make a post on my site here about how it was li
Proxykiller Discontinued 2002/12/11 8:06 PM
As some of you may have noticed over the last year - my application proxykiller has suffered through an extreme lack of updates since the release of version 3. The reasons for this are many however it comes down to two primary ones: 1) Proxykiller does
Presentation Engine 2.1 2002/12/3 6:01 AM
Yeah thats right - I've finally taken the time to release version 2.1 of the Presentation Engine. Its finally ready for prime time. Included are a few feature enhancements, a tutorial, and better instructions for setting it up. Head on over to the proj
Gentoo Linux is da Bomb 2002/10/27 11:48 PM
Well I've finally concluded my latest round of Linux upgrades. I originally planned on migrating my Linux box to RH Linux 8 but apparent kernel related incompatibilities prevented me from doing so. So in my desperation I decided to give good ole Gentoo
Anybody Remember Erik? 2002/7/17 2:15 PM
So does anybody remember Erik Jeffries, the lucky guy who got to post a story on my site because of some stupid superbowl bet that he won? His Story Anyway it seems that some member of his family managed to obtain a picture which resembles what he looked
Presentation Engine 2.1 in testing 2002/6/12 11:38 PM
I've finally taken the time to sit down and prepare the Presentation Engine for its next point release (2.1). I promised during the release of 2.0DR that I would refresh the release with the documentation and bugfixes required for the system to be useabl
TrueType Fonts and Linux 2002/6/11 1:42 AM
Well I just finished spending the last hour getting decent font support set up on my Linux box. Having been recently inspired by a thread on Arstechnica detailing how to set up nice looking fonts in Linux (Redhat 7.3 uses the crappiest ones by default) -
Into the depths of Linux 2002/4/24 5:37 AM
Well over the last few weeks I've had the opportunity to install and really attempt to get in depth with Linux. Though I've been using it on and off for years - I've never dedicated an entire machine to it. I must say its been quite an interesting advent
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